Thursday, July 13, 2017

Old Friends

We three amigos go back 42+ years and we were so young ... ages ranging from 24 to 35 at the time our friendship was forged. We worked together for about 18 years and have been through many experiences together, good times, lots of laughter, many heartaches, death, life, marriages and divorce over the years. So many changes in our lives.  They have been faithful friends. These days we gather together for each of our birthdays and on this day we celebrated Sherri.

Sherri, Nancy and Connie

This is the only photo I can find with all of us in it.
Front row left is Sherri, Nancy in center.
I'm the tall one of course in the very center,
pigtails and all!
A silly day at the office!


  1. Nothing more glorious that friendship that span the years. You all look marvelous. I have a dear friendship that spans over 70 years. Kris and I met when we moved across the street when I was 3. We went through grade school, Jr. High and High School, and then when to Biola College together. She became a missionary, me a pastor's wife...and we still have that fabulous friendship. God bless you gal and I hope you have many more birthday celebrations.

  2. Nothing like old friends. My best friend for 45 years called me today in tears. Her neighbor's best friend died and she called to tell me she loved me. She said she hoped that she died before I did because she couldn't stand to lose me and I told her that I had told someone a week or so ago the same thing about her. Neither one of us ever had a sister and she was born on my brother's birthday. It is so funny how life brings people together, isn't it? Love the picture of you girls! xo Diana

  3. How wonderful and precious to have such long time friends. I can't believe how young you all look too! Happy birthday to Sherri.

  4. Friendship is indeed everything. It is hard to make and keep good friends over the years but you have done just that. And how lovely and young you all look. Warm greetings and best wishes!

  5. Nonnie, Oh you sweet baby girls. I love how you have stayed friends for so many years. I just found some old photos of myself and was surprised that I kind looked like my granddaughter, Emma. Without the height. LOL. I am 5'4" and Emma is 5'7" and she's just 13. I think you ladies look very good. Girlfriends are an important part of our lives. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  6. Happy Birthday Sherri! I think it's wonderful that your friendship has endured the test of time. That's awesome!! Enjoyed the picture of your 'younger' years.

  7. So wonderful to spend special times with good, "old" friends! What a blessing! Love your "old" office picture...those were the good old days for sure. How wonderful to still be friends. happy birthday to Sherry!

  8. Oh I love stories of great friendships!!! So precious :-) Have a wonderful weekend!


  9. You are right, there is something so special about these long-time friendships. When we moved to Shreveport in 2002, I reconnected with Judy. Our parents were best friends and of course we were until we moved away when I was five. The last time we saw each other we were in our teens. That would have been in the late 1950's. We now live in the same neighborhood and our husbands are like brothers. It is a precious friendship. So glad you gals still make time to be together.

  10. Nothing better than good long friendships in our lives!
