Sunday, April 2, 2017

That's My DH!


  1. Great idea. I should do that lol!

  2. Ha! Added bonus, you are making me think how much I love chili and cornbread! :-)

  3. HaHaHa ~ My dearest had Chili and Cornbread last night. But he had a "Bib". In the last church my hubby pastored, one of the ladies made him several bibs that had a stamp on the back that said Pastor Don's Shirt Protectors" They are both worn out, so I found one at a Thrift Shop and he uses it! I can't get him to take it when we eat out....HaHaHa.

  4. I think this applies to several of our husbands.

  5. That is Joe, too!! Seriously! He even chooses menu items in the restaurant based on the color of his shirt! We LOVE Pickles because the cartoon always speaks to us! Thanks for the chuckle!!
