Thursday, April 27, 2017

Happy Friday

A beautiful sunrise

and sunset!

I never can resist stepping outside to take a picture of the sunsets because they are so gorgeous and then I step back inside and the sunset instantly changes. I go back and forth and each time they get more beautiful and I lament again because the pics would be so much better with a real camera.

Yesterday I took DH out for breakfast, which is one of his favorite things to do. After that, we took the Volt over to see why the tires are wearing out too soon and discovered that something called struts needed to be adjusted, I don't know what that means, but I'm glad we didn't put off taking the car in to be checked. After dropping off the car, we went over to Costco, came back home and I talked DH into a short walk. Yay, me! Yay, him! The sunshine was just perfect and made the tops of the trees at the park look like silver.  

Pink Wildflowers (weeds)

Noah is growing up. Here he is at school with his mom for Leadership Day. The K through 2nd graders did all the talking in the assembly and parents got to tour the school learning about all the school programs. We are proud of you, Noah and your accomplishments are great! But we love you just because you are our Sweet Noah.

And who is this little catcher?

Why, it's Jack, of course!
I cannot look at this boy and not smile!
He is so precious.

My favorite store had a 40% off EVERYTHING in the store this week and because I somehow got dropped out of their system, I ended up getting 50% off the things I bought. I did not go crazy, but was pleased to get a few things I needed. I had to go 1/2 size up. Ugh! So what did I do today? Made bread!

That is butter on top and the shot makes my bread look like a rectangular tortilla.
But it was good. The recipe was for Amish Sweet Bread. It is good, but I
know I will get better with practice.


  1. Sure enjoyed spending the day with you. And those adorable grands! The bread does look delicious. Used to do that but not any more - we would eat it! HA! We make our 3-hour drive to Dallas today to see our little one perform in the Prestonwood Children's Musical tonight. Have a great weekend.

  2. Cute grand kids! The bread does look delicious! I've not heard of Amish sweet bread before but I imagine it tastes very good. Noah is sure a cutie! Have a blessed day.

  3. I so enjoyed reading those statements by your sweet Noah and Jack does make you smile at his cuteness!! Glad you both got out for a nice walk and I loved seeing all of the photos you shared! Happy weekend!
