Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday

Thank You, Jesus, You demonstrated Your love for us at the cross. You became poor that we might be rich. You became sin for us - You were stripped of Your glory willingly and humbled Yourself by becoming obedient to death - even death on a cross, and being made perfect, You became the author and finisher of eternal salvation to all who believe and obey.

How great are You, Lord, that Your love and for the joy set before You that You would endure the cross, despise the shame and bear our sins in Your own body on the tree so that we being dead in our sins should live to righteousness and be healed by Your stripes.

Thank You Jesus for giving Yourself for us, to redeem us from all iniquity and purify for Yourself a people that are Your very own. How precious indeed is that crimson flow that makes us white as snow.

Thank You that You declared it finished. The debt we owed was paid in full by the sinless Lamb of God. Amen

O perfect Lamb of Passover,
Let me not quickly run.
Recount to me the blessed plot,
Tell how the plan was spun
That I, a slave of Egypt’s lusts,
A prisoner of dark dread,
Could be condemned unto a cross
And find You nailed instead. ~ Beth Moore


  1. Amen! Thank you for this wonderful post. Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Praise God. We are so blessed because of Calvary. Jesus loves me this I know...because He died on the cross to save me and take me home to live with Him in heaven some day. Praise God.

  3. Amen to your beautiful post! Have a wonderful Easter!
