Monday, March 27, 2017

Bits and Pieces

It seems that our deck is turning out to be a condo for birds. We love watching them flutter about and make their nests. So sweet. Unfortunately, I can't get a good picture because of the angle and the light.

Due to timing of the Spring Break here, I missed out on the trip to the Arboretum. However, my sweet friend, Victoria, shared a couple of pics she took of some of my favorite flowers. Well, one of my favorites. There is so much beauty in all of God's creation.

In the Spring, even the weeds flower and are pretty.

It has been our intention to have lunch with the kids at school one day and this week we finally were able to do it. We checked out the lunch menu to see whether the kids would want to bring their lunch, have us bring in lunch, or eat what was on the school menu. They approved the school menu and so we enjoyed chicken tenders, mashed potatoes and broccoli ... twice!! Jack had lunch at 10:30 and Kate at 11:30.

We arrived early, so we strolled through the halls and this caught my eye. I thought to myself how cool that this child said the sweetest thing was Jesus. A closer inspection of this was to see that Jesus was the child's name!

Pretty cool that on Fridays they enjoy pizza from Pizza Hut!

The line up to go out for recess.
Last one out is a rotten egg.

Sitting in the cafeteria brought back memories to me of our school days in the lunch room. Quite different, and yet the same. We always took our lunch and only on occasion did we buy lunch. At one time in sixth grade, I thought it would be fun to work in the cafeteria. What in the world was I thinking? They assigned me to washing dishes, which included ginormous pots and pans in addition to all the other dishes. And they trusted me with washing huge butcher knives!! Wow! In return for all this, my lunch would be free. Well, shortly after, my career ended when I was informed that there was a needy girl in my class whose parents could not afford to buy her lunch and so she would take over my job in return for the free lunch. Trust me. I was okay with that. But as I recalled that on Friday, it was interesting to me that there were no free lunches back then. Anyone needing a lunch was expected to do something to earn the lunch. They worked in the cafeteria. Not judging anybody, just something that occurred to me.

Meanwhile, my brother and sister-in-law were finishing up their relaxing time in Palm Springs. It looks like a nice place to visit and one I'd never thought about.

On Saturday, Kate played softball for her first time and Brady played baseball. Both had hits! So proud of them.

Classmates, teammates, and neighbors!

Signing off this Monday to cook my Pioneer Woman's Perfect Pot Roast and some Tasty Buns! Company coming!!


  1. Nonnie, I loved your pictures. I always like to see the children...we sure enjoy our little guys, don't we. You and your husband are looking good. Nonnie, your dish washing career reminded me of my daughter Karen.. she was working at a restaurant in town here.. she wanted to learn to cook there...they had her doing dishes for a very long time...till she said, "I don't think you people understand , I already know how to do dishes....they started teaching her to cook. LOL. I am shock at the knife washing. You are so right. ..that would not happen today. Blessings to you and your family. xoxo, Susie

  2. Great pictures, Connie. I love that you are able to do that with your grandkids. My older ones are now at the age where it is "embarrassing" to have NANA come in for lunch. lol

    They had the same thing at our school when I was growing up. If you wanted lunch and your family couldn't afford it you worked in the kitchen or cafeteria "cleaning tables". There was no shame in it and there were a few kids that did it--and they traded off what the did on different days.

    What fun to watch the boys play ball. Have a great week, Connie. xo Diana

  3. I surely did enjoy your post Nonnie. Your grandkids are the sweetest kids. I love their smiles. Great pictures...glad your friend was able to take pictures for you...the flowers were beautiful.

  4. Such beautiful flowers and oh how I love the pictures with the kids. Oh no on that kitchen duty!!!

  5. Great photos and how wonderful that you could go have lunch with the kiddos!! I have fond memories of the cafeteria and the meals served. We had to pay for them, but I remember they were always good. Baked chili was my favorite!

  6. We always enjoy going to see the grandkids at school. I think they enjoy it too! I also love to watch the birds, they are so busy this time of year. I need to throw some pieces of yarn in the yard, they like it for their nest.

  7. What a fun post. You and your dearest are so cute. Loved all the pictures.

  8. What a fun thing to be able to do with your grands....and one for the memory books for sure. I went to a private school and there was no cafeteria, and I remember thinking how wonderful it would be if we had one. Once a week we had a hot lunch available, and it was a hamburger. I have no idea where they got it. That's all there was...a hamburger and milk. And then each week a certain grade would have all the kids in their class bring cupcakes for dessert. There were 3 of every class and probably 30 in every classroom so that was alot of cupcakes. They sold them for 10 cents a piece. Some kids would buy 2 or 3 a piece! Rarely were we able to purchase the hamburgers, but we did get to buy a cupcake for dessert. Goodness I haven't thought of all that in years. Isn't it funny how something can bring back a memory? The flowers are gorgeous! And I LOVE softball and baseball season. None of my grands are playing this year!

  9. You are so blessed to have your grandchildren nearby and to be able to eat lunch with them! What a wonderful treat for all of you!!! Sadly, today, if the kids that needed to earn their "free lunch" all had to work in the cafeteria, there would be more kids working than eating. But I agree that would be a good thing to teach kids today. So many expect a handout and never have to earn anything. When I was little, my mother would give me a nickel if I made my bed every day so that I could buy a fudgesickle after lunch. You can bet I made my bed! Of course, the teachers made sure we cleaned our plates before we could buy ice cream! Happy days.

  10. Beautiful shots of the Arboretum from your friend! How lovely to see the glorious blooms (here, all we have is mud to look at, lol) It is very special to your grandkids that you come to eat with them, our kids loved it so much when we or their grandparents would come at that elementary age. I enjoyed your memory of working to earn your lunch. There was a value there that has been lost, indeed. Hugs to you today :)

  11. Don't we southerners love our azaleas! Those are exactly like what I have on the side of my house. My neighbors enjoyed them more this year than I did. I love that you and Hubby can spend so much time with your grands. I plan to go over on the 8th to take my little one to see Beauty and the Beast and celebrate the oldest 24th birthday. Be safe in the storms today.

  12. aww that's sad that a child would have to wash dishes for a meal. No child deserves to be singled out and made public because parents cant afford lunch. Food for children shouldn't have to be earned. not at that age. Just one moms opinion
