Wednesday, December 7, 2016


1. Let's talk holiday decorating. On a scale of 1-10 where do you fall? (1=Scrooge and 10= Clark Griswold). What's your favorite corner-room-table-space to decorate? Is it done?

5 - somewhere in the middle. I love Christmas and Christmas decorations, but I don't like too much clutter and I don't want to spend too much money on frivolous items. We have a tree, two Nativity Sets and several other small items scattered around the house. It is homey and cheerful and makes me happy. In that regard, my decorating is a 10! It makes me happy! I do not require fancy or elaborate.

2. Is there a nativity scene in your decorating somewhere? Post a picture or, if it's special to you in some way, tell us why. Or do both-it's Christmas!

It is special to me simply because I love that Jesus came to earth in such a simple and humble way and yet all of it was miraculous! Majestic King come to dwell with us. My Nativity has a small tree beside it with gifts representing the gifts He has given us and the gifts we give back to Him. 

3. Do you live in a social neighborhood?


If so are you glad? If not do you wish you did? 

I would like it if it were more social. People are friendly enough, but most of the conversation is by the mailbox, out walking, or across the fence in the summer. I guess that is all right. Our old neighborhood was much more friendly and we knew we could count on each other.

4. As the saying goes, 'there's no time like the present'. How does that ring true in your life right now?

I am trying to make the present last longer and trying not to waste the moments! 

5. Do you dread Mondays? Why or why not?

No. Mondays are easy days around the house, doing laundry, paying bills, doing homework, etc. Much easier than when I was working outside the home. Mondays were hard and Sunday evenings depressing knowing the weekend was over.

6. Poinsettia, Christmas Cactus, Amaryllis-which on the list is your favorite holiday plant? Are any of these on display in your home right now?

Poinsettia! My mother's favorite and mine, too! I will be picking up poinsettias this week to set out around the house.

7. Share a favorite quote from a Christmas movie.

There are so many good quotes from Christmas movies. "You'll shoot your eye out!" "Teacher says every time a bell rings, an angel get his wings." "I believe, I believe." "God Bless us, Every One!"

The best is:

8. Insert your own random thought here.

A couple of my favorite Christmas movies are The Shop Around the Corner starring Jimmy Stewart and A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott. Many years ago, probably in the 70's, Hallmark aired a Christmas program called The House Without a Christmas Tree. I have never seen that one rerun on the Hallmark channel since then.


  1. Poinsettias all around the house sounds so lovely!

  2. Nonnie, I love poinsettias and use the fake ones now. LOL That little clip of Linus from Charlie Brown's Christmas melts my heart. I absolutely love it. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. I totally forgot about that classic scene in the Charlie Brown movie. Excellent. I will get poinsettias this week to put by the front door. It just isn't Christmas without them greeting visitors! We are so blessed with good neighbors. I hate losing them most when we talk about moving soon. Hopefully we will find new neighbors who will be at least nearly as nice! Happy Wednesday! I enjoyed your Hodgepodge answers!

  4. I think that's the key-decorate in a way that makes you happy. For some people that's going over the top, and for others it's just a touch here and there. Charles Schultz had a wonderful way of sharing the real Christmas story didn't he? Enjoy your day!

  5. Hi,
    I like your nativity.
    We live in a neighborhood like yours, it makes me a little bit sad because we only have one neighbor our boys feel comfortable going to for help.

    One of my favorite Christmas movies is White Christmas. :-) I also like all you shared on your list.

  6. I love Christmas movies and I thought I had them all but I have never heard of the shop around the corner...I'll be looking for it, lol. We watch George C. Scotts a Christmas carol every year on Christmas's become a tradition, lol. All of my kids do it in their homes now too. And I actually own a House without a Christmas Tree. Most people have never heard of it, but I love it. As for decorating? Whatever makes you happy is definitely what I think everyone should be on....I love Christmas decorations, but it is becoming more and more of a chore Years ago, I did ALL the indoor decorations. These days is hubby didn't help me, there would probably only be a nativity set, lol. He does it because he knows it makes me happy. Hope your having a good week!

  7. I really like the idea of the little tree beside the nativity. It ties everything together, in present day.
    I don't remember the movie you mentioned, but I'd love to see it.
    Enjoy the rest of your week,
    Kathy (Reflections)

  8. I like the Hallmark Christmas movies. I don't like clutter either and try to organize my decorating ;) I chose Linus too :)

  9. All good answers, and I find mine would be similar in most responses!

  10. To me, simple decorations are the absolute best. There just seems to be more love in them. And poinsettias were our wedding flower, so, of course, they are my fav. Merry Christmas.

  11. I love the symbolism of the little tree by your nativity. Yes, simple but meaningful decorations win out over the more elaborate done by a decorator every time. But I will have to admit it would be nice to have someone come in and do it all only if they returned to undo it all. Have a great weekend.

  12. Beautiful answer for #2. I have a Hallmark ornament with Linus saying that, it is so precious. Love your random and Hallmark has been very busy this year making new movies every weekend!

  13. The quote from Linus is classic and spot on. Have a great week and a Merry Christmas.

  14. Loved you answer to question 4...I feel that way too!

  15. "I believe, I believe"...Susie, Miracle on 34th Street. I love that movie. :)

    Your Nativity is beautiful. I love that Jesus came to earth in such a simple way, too. We don't have to be rich to be part of the Kingdom. I think that is wonderful. He came for everybody, rich and poor alike. What a blessing!

    I hope that you have a blessed weekend!
