Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Foto Friends

Well, just when you think you've got nothing, ... you're proved wrong! Linking today with Deb at Breathing in Grace for Friday Foto Friends. SurPRIZES in today's mail from Deb for being the PRIZE winner in her giveaway.

Sweet stuff!
Thank you, Debbie.
My DH especially liked the food portion!

Today turned out to be quite productive. In addition to household chores, I cooked a pot of beef stew, made cornbread, pumpkin bread, shopped a little, and addressed a big stack of Christmas cards! Woo-hoo! Now, if only I had a few Christmas gifts under my belt. 

Sharing this from my friend Janelle at AlleeOops Photography. 
This fall scene is actually in Texas!

My sisters-in-love.

Susan and RuthAnn taking a stroll in her neighborhood. Susan drove down earlier this week to help her cousin RuthAnn take care of her Dad while her stepmom recovers from surgery. RuthAnn's stepmom is MORE proof that as we get older, we have absolutely no business whatsoever climbing on ladders without some assistance! Susan's Dad fell from a ladder several years ago and was never the same. 

Our Ladies of Grace assignment is to reach out to others. My first reaching out was to our neighbor across the street. We say hello in passing, but don't really know each other. They are a younger couple and both work. So, I baked a pumpkin bread and took it over to just say thanks for being my neighbor.


  1. SurPRIZES are always fun! My daughter is on a mission to 'reach out' to others. She said she was going to buy a glider for her front porch so she could sit outside more and reach out to her neighbors more! Hope you have a great day!

  2. Wonderful give-away gifts. A good mission for sure. The card you sent is lovely. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. How sweet, making pumpkin bread for your young neighbors. Nonnie, That young lady will remember your kindness. Your sissies are cute. So nice to get mail and a gift in the mail is a super hug. Blessings for a great weekend, xoxo, Susie

  4. Such nice things have happened. Sweet surprises. See you next week.

  5. Oh how wonderful! Such lovely surprises! And how wonderful that you reached out to your neighbors with a gift from your kitchen. Isn't that a them and to you when you see how much they appreciate your thoughtfulness? I actually did something similar this past week...zucchini bread...and the recipient was overwhelmed. Makes me want to do it again and again. Thank you for the inspiration and reminder of what I'd already forgotten!

  6. Congratulations on winning such lovely gifts Nonnie. It definitely was a sweet surprise. I love when nice things happen to nice people. Have a day of blessings.

  7. What a fun surPRIZE to get in your mail box! Taking pumpkin bread to your neighbors is a great idea! I'm sure they appreciated it!

  8. Yay for prizes, and that was a good haul!!!
    How sweet to take your neighbors bread! People should do that more often!!!

  9. I'm so glad your package arrived safe and sound! I was very concerned about the breakables. I know they weren't packaged very "pretty", but at least they didn't break! ;-) Pumpkin bread....yummy! Jack's Grandma used to make it in coffee cans and it was delicious! Thanks for sharing and HOPE you have a great weekend. (sorry I'm late in visiting....we had grand-kiddos yesterday and into the evening)

  10. Congratulations on your beautiful gifts. I know your neighbor appreciated the homemade bread.

  11. Congratulations on your surprise goodies. How sweet. :)

    What a beautiful fall scene? Where in Texas is this? I want to go see the fall colors. I haven't seen the them in person since we moved here and now our beautiful mountains back home are engulfed in a huge wildfire. :(

    I'm sorry about Susan's daddy and hope that RuthAnn's step-mother will be okay soon.

    I hope that your young neighbors enjoyed your very thoughtful gift. Have a blessed day and a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. PS I don't know why there was a question mark after "What a beautiful scene"...It should have said, "What a beautiful scene!!!" :)

  12. Such a thoughtful thing for you to do. We live in a gated community and in the Garden Home section which means our houses are smaller and closer together than the "big houses." However, that does not necessarily mean we interact with our neighbors. So sad that we stay in our houses and text and never actually visit.

  13. That is an incredibly beautiful fall scene, I love it! And it feels so great to make something and give it away! I know your neighbors appreciated it so much. Always a delight and joy to visit with you :) Happy Thanksgiving to you!
