Friday, October 7, 2016

Pink Saturday and Grace


I am sharing the words to a song I had never heard before this week. The words are beautiful and John 1:16 has always been a favorite of mine. Thinking about grace upon grace ... ahhhh, it never ends.

“Like the ocean in waves, ever sweeping the shore,
to His children comes the grace of the Lord
And like the mighty sea, so deep and so wide
His grace to us saints — an endless supply.

Daylight or midnight, the waves touch the shore,
One on another, they faithfully pour!
Summer or winter, they never subside,
and so our gracious Father provides …

Grace upon grace, like the waves on the shore!
Always enough, always more!
Grace upon grace, like the waves on the shore
all that we need is ours from the Lord … all that we need is ours from the Lord.

From the 1984 CD “Fighting the Fight” – by Gordon Jensen


  1. Loved you post with such thoughts of wisdom.

  2. I have never heard that song before either. The words are beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana

  3. … all that we need is ours from the Lord. Such a blessing!!

  4. Such beautiful words, such truth! And, because it is ocean themed, it penetrates my spirit all the more! Blessings, Cindy xo

  5. Those are beautiful words, thank you for sharing.
