Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday Foto Friends and Fond Friday Memories

I know it is Friday and not Throwback Thursday, but surely there must be a place for "Fond Friday Memories"? Tomorrow we attend my DH's 55th class reunion, so I thought I would post a few old pics of some of his classmates. He was one of the lucky ones who lived in the same neighborhood all his growing up years and graduated with people he started to school with way back in first grade! 

Boy Scouts

I am guessing this is sixth grade. 
Those awkward years!

Straighten up now, Class.

Yes, Teacher is satisfied.

Just hanging out.
Cool leather jacket there!
(DH just informed me he is NOT in this pic.)

On the street where you live!
I heard lots of stories about all the fun they had in
this neighborhood.

My DH's senior pic.
Class of '61.

As for me ... in 1961, I was in 6th grade myself experiencing those awkward years wondering about my future. Here he is. A little older, a little gray at the temples. I commented on that when we first met and he replied that he hadn't been to the Temple! Silly. 

I was looking forward to this reunion, but now vanity is causing me to hesitate. The timing of my cataract surgery and the reunion are clashing. No make-up for a week. Yikes! I have to go looking like this? At least I only have to wear my pirate shield at night. 

Kinda funny that I wore my black and white
striped pirate top the day of the surgery!

No matter whether there is excitement going on in our lives, 
or simply an "ordinary" day, 
we are truly blessed!


  1. OH- Have fun and I hope your hubby does, too. No one will even be looking too close at you. They will all be assessing their OLD classmates to see how they are faring. lol
    Mighty fine pirate you make! xo Diana
    ps- LOVE the picture of the two of you.

  2. Love the old pictures...those were such happy simple times. Our grandkids have no idea... You are beautiful just as you are. Go and be yourself...they will love you. are six years younger than they are! So you will look better even without the make up! :)

  3. Love your photos so much! Have a really wonderful weekend ♥

  4. The old pictures are always so fun!! I went to Joe's 30th reunion a loonnngggg time ago. He is never interested in going up to PA for any of the others they have had. My class has never had a formal reunion. We stay in touch on FB, I guess. Have a good time and don't worry about the makeup! Be sure to blog about it, now!

  5. What a lovely trip down memory lane.
    Have fun at the reunion. It will be a lot of fun I am sure.
    I hope you heal quickly and perfectly.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  6. I enjoyed your old pictures! Not that we're Vanity gets us everytime...I would feel the same way. I know, I know, our friends like us for ourselves and not the way we look...said no woman ever. On a serious note, go to the reunion and have a great time with hubby. So many others have been in similar situations, they will understand. And the great thing will be, wonderful memories! My Daddy always said, "No one will know the difference 100 years from now." When I was young that used to aggravate me, now I can truthfully say, he was right.

  7. Hello Nonnie, visiting you today from the Friday Foto... so happy to meet you! I enjoyed the jaunt down memory lane with you, such precious memories and times you shared! You will have a great time at the reunion just being the special person you are :) Hugs to you today, and happy to meet you!

  8. I adore old pics. I hope you get to go to the reunion and so glad you're eye is healing up well. Thanks so much for being so faithful to link up at FFF. I REALLY do appreciate it! HOPE you have a great weekend.

  9. Hi Nonnie; I'm so glad all went well with your eye surgery. It looks fine. I enjoy looking at old school photos and your DH's bring back loads of memories of my school days. Have a blessed weekend my friend.
