Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thursday Truth for Myself

Simple words! Yes? 
Sometimes hard to do? Yes. 

Be kind to one another. Don't grow negative. It causes you to be hardhearted. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit and therefore should not be random, but rather cultivated and growing in us daily. 

Sometimes when going through a difficult time, we (I) may have a tendency to be irritable or sharp with the ones we love. When you see the one you love going through something that you cannot fix or control, your anxiety and weariness in trying to help them can sometimes cause you to react with irritability or anger rather than love and patience. My reasoning here and justifying myself here is that my hurt over those things I cannot control are what cause my anger. 

This is a little checklist for me to remember the actions that make for kindness. 

Smile when I want to frown
Care when I want to cry
Speak a word of encouragement or 
comfort when I want to scold
Compliment even when I want to complain
Give when I want to get
Help when I am hurting
Listen when I want to throw up my hands
Forgive ... always

Kindness + forgiveness = a tender heart

Unkindness + unforgiveness = a hard heart

Be kind. Forgive. Tenderhearted.


  1. You nailed it with that check list. Imagine a world where everyone embraced this idea.

  2. Nonnie, I want to be more forgiving...oh boy some times it's so hard to do. But staying angry only irritates us. Some times I have to pray on situations. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Great words to live by..things I try to do everyday. There have been times I've failed, I just regroup and start again.

  4. I fail miserably but do try to live by those words. Thank you for saying it so well.

  5. This is a wonderful post and a great reminder of how we should be towards everyone. Thank you for sharing it.

    Have a blessed day!

  6. Lovely post and thank you for the reminder.... :)
