Saturday, August 20, 2016

Life Changers

Each year on this date, I muse about whether to mention the anniversary of another August 20 that was a life-changer for me. On that day 31 years ago, I discovered how quickly a fairly tranquil world can be turned upside down - in the blink of an eye. 

You wake up, life is normal, you bid your husband good-bye as he goes to work ... and he never returns. You receive the dreaded phone call that nobody wants to get ... and nothing is ever the same. I remember that day vividly. The panicky drive to the hospital, the news the doctor had for me, the people who came to my aid in that time of need, the weather, my emotions, sleepless nights, it is all etched in my memory as though it happened yesterday. 

Since that day, I have experienced many other life-changing days and received news that I didn't want to hear. The good news is I'm stronger now than I was then and I have learned to cherish the time we have knowing that no day is ever guaranteed. I do not dwell on those things that brought grief and loss in my past, but thank God that with His help, I have been able to move on and He has blessed me greatly in my life. I can trust my tomorrows with Him.

A strong woman believes that she's strong enough
to face her journey ... but a woman of strength
has faith that it is in this journey that she will be come STRONG!!!

Not as strong as I want to be. 
Life still throws curve balls ... and always will.

The best news is that

God has been good to me. 


  1. Thanks for sharing your memories of this day with us. Of course it is something you will never forget. I love your reference about a strong woman - or a woman of strength. There is a difference. God is good all the time. Hugs for you!

  2. (((Hugs))) to you today. The joy of the Lord is my strength, Amen!

  3. Thank you for sharing this with us. I am sending (((hugs))) your way, because I am sure that even after 31 years, it still hurts, and hugs help. May the Lord continue to comfort you when you feel weak and when you feel alone. May He carry you through the difficult times, and give you the oil of joy for mourning. May He give you many reasons to smile again and to face each new day with hope and courage. You are never alone. Blessings to you my friend.

  4. Oh my, my friend. I do understand. It was much the same when I lost my husband in 2001 although we had about a month to say goodbye. It must be even more painful to not have that opportunity. I'm praying for you. God is so awesome. We don't have to go through it alone.

  5. Hugs for you Nonnie. You are a woman of strength with your faith. Sorry for your loss. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

  6. So inspiring and such a testimony to God's faithfulness to us. We do not know what tomorrow holds for sure! Blessings to you in all your tomorrows!

  7. Thank you for sharing your terrified you must have felt. Keeping you in prayer.

  8. Because He lives we can face tomorrow. So sorry for your loss so many years ago...we never forgot the loss of a loved one.

  9. I am so sorry that you had to experience such a loss and so much sorrow, but soo glad you had Him to hang on to and comfort you through that horrifying season of your life. Your testimomy to God's faithfulness and comfort is an inspiration to so many I am sure. No, we never forget, but YES He never lets go. Blessings to you!

  10. ((Hugs)) Thank you for sharing and reminding us of God's love for us through all things.
