Monday, August 15, 2016

Blue Monday in Blue Hawaii

The view from my window a couple of days ago. 
Don't the cloud formations with the sky almost appear to be like snow-capped mountains?

Oh wait! Something much more exciting going on here than pics of clouds on this Blue Monday. Our kids are in Hawaii having a blast and I think they are trying to squeeze in every possible adventure they can!

Looking pretty snazzy there with the red convertible to drive around Maui in.

That gorgeous blue sky and water!

Their Dad is justifiably proud of his sons.

I believe these boys are going to have much more to tell than the teacher requires for the "What I Did This Summer" theme, don't you think?

We are so proud of them. They are good boys, well-behaved, do excellent in school, athletic, and show leadership skills! (I think they're pretty fine looking boys too.) I know it brings their parents great joy to see them excel in so many areas and have great adventures.

Linking up today with Jeanne at Backyard Neighbor for some Blue Monday. Join her today. If you are a fan, she has some great Chihuly to see today!

Dallas arboretum 2012


  1. Ah, Hawaii, my dream vacation destination. What fun they must be having! I can understand the pride you all feel with those those young men. Have a great day.

  2. Beautiful photos. What a beautiful family

  3. Sweet photos of Hawaii...I was only a newborn when we traveled there when my dad was shot down in Vietnam and sent to a hospital there...anyways, great photos...Have a beautiful day, smiles

  4. Chilhuly's glass is amazing! Great photos of the kiddos in Hawaii! Blue skies are always beautiful! Have a blessed week!

  5. Nonnie, Chihuly is such a favorite of mine, so always enjoy seeing the works. Great blues for this Monday!

  6. awwww Blue Hawaii, a beautiful place. Even tho the pics are beautiful I bet it's even more beautiful when you're there!

  7. We have been to Hawaii twice, once by ourselves and once with the kids. That was many years ago so we need to return. Such beauty!

  8. Oh what fun! I love Hawaii! Beautiful skies too!...Christine

  9. Would love to visit Hawaii, such beauty!!!!!

  10. Hi Nonnie, I love your great pics of your trip to Hawaii. I have been there and it is like a vacation in paradise. My niece and her family live there. Your boys are darling and very athletic. Parents definitely have bragging rights when it comes to family. Love this post so much.
    Thank you for joining Blue Monday.

  11. Hi Nonnie, love the phamily photo shares. Lucky kids in Hawaii. How fun! All the photos are lovely. Enjoy your week and thanks for sharing with all of us. xo Anne

  12. Beautiful pics of the sky and of Hawaii. It looks like everyone is having a grand time. Yes for the sure the grands will have a lot to report at "what did you do this summer".

  13. And you have every reason to be proud of those handsome, adventurous grandsons. What a memorable summer they have had to share. And I do think your beautiful clouds are worthy of sharing too.
