Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A Creative Hodgepodge

It's Hodgepodge Wednesday. 

1.I read here four creative activities to try this month. They were-calligraphy, make your own cookbook, dance or learn a new type of dance, and letter writing. Which activity on the list appeals to you most? Will you add it to your August? 

I think calligraphy is pretty, but my hands probably aren't up for it and it would likely be a waste of time at this stage of my life. Dancing would be good if DH would be up to it. Making a cookbook would really bog me down. No thanks ... but give me a cookbook to read or a bunch of recipes and I'm happy. I think writing a letter would be more up my alley and I'm already planning my letter.

2. Bertrand Russell is quoted as saying, 'To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.' Agree or disagree? Explain.

If I understand this statement correctly, I think doing without some of the things you want help you to be happy in the sense that you learn self-control, do not need instant gratification, and learn true contentment in knowing it is not things that make you happy.

3. August 17th is National Thriftshop Day...are you a 'thrifter'? If so, tell us about one of your best or favorite finds.

No, but every now and then I go to the local thrift shop just to see what they have. I like my pretty clock, the prep bowls, and casserole that cost me $1.00.

4. On a scale of 1-10 (with 1= almost none and 10=loads) how would you rate your sense of wanderlust? What kicks your wanderlust into high gear?

My wanderlust used to be right up there at a 9 and loved going new places and seeing new things. Now it is probably down to 4 because travel has become such a hassle, and I am happy that we did our wanderlusting while we were younger and enjoyed the trips.

On the Orient Express from Venice to Rome.

5. Has life felt more like a marathon or sprint so far this month? How so?

Neither. I think it's been more like a nice stroll.

6. What do you need to get a jump on before fall officially arrives?

Deciding what to do about the back yard and whether to replace plants now or wait until spring.

7. What's the last thing you did with friends or family where you lost track of time?

This morning some of our Ladies of Grace gathered together in a friend's home for Eats with Erin! We had such a wonderful time, my phone was tucked away in my purse, no clocks were visible, and it was great!

Too bad that light fixture messed with the pic.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I am hoping to plan a trip for DH and I to Branson in October for the fall colors. My sister, Roberta and my niece Robyn were there last weekend and had a great time. They said the production of Moses was excellent. I think it will be worth the trip.

Roberta and Robyn on weekend trip to Branson.

"Mom talked me into this zip line thing.
She said it would be fun!"

Are we having fun yet?

I wonder if her bangs are back in place.
Hahahaha!! LOL!
I love these two.


  1. Oh no way in the world would you get me on that thing, LOL. Enjoyed your Hodgepodge answers, smiles.

    Have a beautiful day friend.

  2. I love your thrift store finds, especially the clock.
    Love those two pictures at the end of your post :) Fun times!
    Kathy (Reflections)

  3. We like "nice strolls" at this point in our life, don't we. Your sister's picture gave me a chuckle this morning, because I would never do it and that silent scream is exactly how I would have responded. What a lovely group of Ladies of Grace. I love that name by the way, I would love to visit one day.

  4. I love how you answered 5!!! :-)
    Your random is great FUN!
    Have a great week,

  5. My wanderlust score is down too. I'm just as happy spending time at home and if I go away, it isn't for very many nights or for really far. I'm a thrifter too. What treasures you have found. Years ago, my mother did beautiful calligraphy. She still has her calligraphy pens but no longer has any interest. Have a blessed day.

  6. Ha! That last photo is priceless and I can assure you that my reaction would have been much the same.

  7. Great post and I just love the pictures at the end!! LOL Living life fully that's what its all about :-) Have a wonderful day!!


  8. The Orient Express! That's on my list of things : ) Fantastic photo!

  9. The Orient Express!! What fun! We had to fly from Venice to Rome. Your way would have been a lot more fun, I think! I've never been to Branson, but think I need to put it on my list to see after I retire!!

  10. I think the zip line thing looks like lots of fun. I wonder if there were alligators or snakes in that water? That would have been on my mind. :)

    Your clock is great. Is that casserole Corelle? The design looks familiar to me.

    Have a blessed day!

  11. What a great thrift store find. Fall colors are great. I wish we could go somewhere to see them.

  12. I enjoyed reading your answers. It was cool to see your riding the Orient Express. Some day I would like to ride that train from Paris to Istanbul via Budapest. I don't know if I'll get the chance but that is okay, I can dream.

  13. If you have never been to Branson in the fall then you have a treat awaiting. It is lovely. We love Branson and go quite often. Good answers!
