Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge Influencing Your World

I'm so glad to be able to link up with the Hodgepodge this week! Thank you, Joyce!

1. Do you find yourself influencing your world, or is it more the other way around? 

I am hopeful that I am having an influence for good on the world around me in the way I love them, live my life, the values I have, and the way I express myself in actions and speech. But I also believe that the people around me have had a positive influence on me as well in those ways and that makes it especially good. When I step outside of my little world though, it is my hope that I am a positive influence wherever I am in the way I conduct myself and represent my Lord Jesus.

2. July 14th is National Tape Measure Day...the device was patented on this date in 1868. When did you last use a tape measure? Do you always know where to find one in your house? Tell us one way in which you feel blessed 'beyond measure'. 

I know exactly where the tape measures are in my house. The soft one was used to measure myself to order a new swimsuit from Land's End. The hard tape measure was used to measure the size needed for a retractable clothesline for the back patio. 

I am blessed beyond measure by my family and friends! So thankful for each one.

3.The Plaza Hotel (Eloise), The Land of Oz (The Wizard of Oz), Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia), The Hundred Acre Wood (Winnie the Pooh), Wonderland (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland), or Never Never Land (Peter Pan)...which storybook land (on this list!) would you most like to visit and why? 

Narnia would be my choice if we visit after the evil witch is defeated. The Hundred Acre Wood sounds pleasant and safe.

4. Where and when do you get your best ideas? 

In the shower or while I'm driving! At least in the car I can record the thought into my phone, but the shower? No way! I have to hold that thought and find paper and pencil while still wet or lose the idea until I'm behind the wheel!

5.  So what have you been watching on TV this summer? Anything good? 

I haven't found anything worth watching, so when I am not busy or reading, or just want to chill, I turn on an old Andy Griffith show or Everybody Loves Raymond. Sad, I know. 

6. 'Don't swim for an hour after you eat', 'Dog days of summer', 'Knee high by the Fourth of July'...choose a summer saying from the list or share one of your own, then tell us what image or memory comes to mind when you hear it spoken.

Don't swim for thirty minutes after you eat is what we were told. One of the saddest things for a kid to hear when they just can't wait to jump back in the water. 

7. In a single sentence, sum up one life lesson you've learned. 

The life I've been given is too precious to waste. 

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

The past week's events have been shocking and depressing. People who have hope only in this world system are always going to be disappointed. I'm so sorry for the lives that have been lost.  Our "unity" in the US has been crumbling for years and I shudder to think of the future for our kids and grandkids if we can't turn it around. Really, we cannot turn it around. It will have to be a realization of our need for God and what is right and a mighty move of God in response to our prayers of repentance and willingness to do what is right. 


  1. We don't watch a lot of tv either, but often go back to the older shows that make us smile and are pretty harmless : ) Have a great day!

  2. Amen on your last thought...enjoyed your answers...and we watch Andy too...have a beautiful day friend.

  3. I had to chuckle at the idea of you scrambling out of the shower for pen and paper :) but was sobered by your random thought. These are definitely difficult times. Have a good week.

  4. Watch both of those (what I call la la la shows) too. Amen to your random thought. Without Him to hope in, I've no idea how they make it through. Enjoy your day!

  5. I can only hope that an kindness I can show someone gets passed on to help the world. My own little world, I praise my kids and grands...not to high heaven mind you . But to show I see they are doing well or ttrying to do their best. I call them sweetheart, so they know they are special to me. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  6. I love your thoughts on # 7 and 8. So true!

  7. Hi,
    I pinned your quote. Well said!!
    We do not watch a lot of TV ... I agree, not much to watch.
    Have a great week,

  8. AMEN to your random thought! I feel the same way!

    We seem to get the best ideas when we're at a point we can't do anything about them at that moment. :)

    Have a blessed day!

  9. Your graphic for number 8 says it so clearly. All life matters. We need to forget about race and police need to get away from the "It's us against them" way of seeing things.

  10. Connie, I so enjoyed reading your responses today and could not agree more with your random response. He is the only answer!

  11. I love both of those TV shows. It is fun to watch Raymond since it is set on Long Island :) Andy Griffith is a family favorite. Good random thought. Have a great rest of the week :)

  12. I so agree with your random #8. It's so sad to think of a Godless future for our grandchildren, but we sure seem to be headed that way. I like to catch Andy Griffith too. Those "feel good" shows are just the best.

  13. Enjoyed reading your answers today, have a blessed week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  14. I enjoyed reading your answers. I'd choose the Plaza because I've never been there and heard it was amazing. Have a great day.

  15. And that waiting to swim seemed like forever!!!
    All lives matter.....

  16. Oh, the little sign at the end just says it all. :( I'm sorry I haven't visited much lately. I'm suffering with vertigo....nasty stuff! :( HOPE you have a great weekend.

  17. Enjoyed your answers. I have gone to you mentioned nothing on TV worth watching. My dearest has been watching old "Gunsmoke" series. I've read more this year than any other time I can remember.
