Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday Foto Friends and Blue Apron Offer

I've been using Blue Apron now for quite some time. If you aren't familiar with it, here is a link explaining it! If you enjoy cooking new recipes, but don't always have the right ingredients at hand, this is a great tool. My DH has been trying and enjoying meals that he would never order in a restaurant. He is strictly a meat and potatoes kind of guy, you know the kind - chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes with gravy! But so far, he has eaten everything Blue Apron has sent and actually asks for more!!! Win-win! Every ingredient for the meals is included in the delivery with the exceptions of olive oil, salt and pepper.

They also send step by step instructions.

In writing today about it, my purpose is to say I've used it long enough to be entitled to five free meals for friends. If it is just the two of you, (they also have meals for four, but I'm not sure whether I'm entitled to giveaways for four) or you are alone, you could have some nice leftovers. After looking at their website, you can send me your email and I will add you. I've used one giveaway already, so it would be for the first four (4) who send me their email address. I think the website helps you to discover whether they deliver in your area.

Last night we had an interesting pizza with fresh corn, red and yellow peppers, and kale. 

This is fresh out of the oven and I let the crust
get a little too brown, but it was so delicious.

Leftovers on my Pampered Chef Pizza Stone!
Not very attractive.

Also, I had been looking for some different place mats for our round breakfast table. It is a beautiful table, but we keep it covered with an elasticized plastic cover to protect it since it is used for playing games, coloring, painting, etc. After searching the Internet, I found some on Amazon and put them on my wish list. But the other day, I just happened to see these bamboo place mats in Bed Bath and Beyond and each one was marked down to $1.19. I really don't think you can beat that price. There were also some nice brown napkins to go with them and so, voila, here they are! Good thing I found them because the ones I chose on Amazon are no longer available.


Every time DH sits down to eat, he comments on what pretty place mats they are and how much he likes them. Too funny, since always in the past he has complained about place mats on the table!

I'm linking up today with Debbie at Breathing in Grace for Friday Foto Friends - my photos today are crazy kid pics from the past and just because!

I have noticed this summer and think I have mentioned in a previous blog that the skies have been beautifully blue and with lots of puffy clouds. In spite of the heat, the loveliness of the sky just makes me feel happy.

Happy Weekend!


  1. I've never heard of Blue Apron, I'll check it out! Love the pictures of the kids, they are precious! Have a great weekend!

  2. I have seen Blue Apron advertised on TV. Love the photo's of your 'Crazy Kids'. Your place mats are very pretty.
    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog Nonnie!

  3. I've seen Blue Apron advertised on the photos of the grandkids...and I do love your placemats...I change mine out often, which the guys, they could take it or leave it. lol

  4. I know a couple of folks who use Blue Apron and love it. If I'm in time to give it a try, it would be great! The new placemats do look great on your round table!

  5. Oh, the sky makes me happy, your pics. I've heard of Blue Apron and those who use it seem to really like it. Those pics of your grandkids are just soooo cute. There's nothing like grandbabies! Thanks for linking up yesterday and I'm so sorry I'm late in commenting. I'll try to do better from now on...but no promises....;-) Live gets in the way sometimes.
