Monday, July 25, 2016

And Suddenly! Baby Makes Four

Surprise, surprise, surprise! as Gomer Pyle used to say. We all knew our nephew's wife Crystal was expecting any minute, but don't think any of us were expecting it to happen quite the way it did. 

Although baby's due date was July 23, other friends whose due dates fell after hers were "popping" babies out before her and that didn't seem quite fair to her. This past weekend, after a full day of activity and a houseful of family from out-of-town, she was beginning to think it was never going to happen. Of course, everybody was wishing it would happen as they left late Saturday night! 

But suddenly! surprisingly! early Sunday morning around 2 am, she woke husband Billy to let him know the time had come. Just as they were leaving the house, her water broke so they quickly got in the car to get to the hospital ASAP! As Billy was speeding down the interstate she told him to pull over because the baby was coming! He got 911 on the phone for assistance but their instructions were too late because that baby boy wasn't waiting. He shot out like a rocket! Mommy was holding that baby when the paramedics arrived about 20 minutes later to get to work and finish up the job and "deliver them both" to the hospital!

Everybody is happy and doing just fine. Conveniently enough, the visiting Grandparents were close by and called out of a sound sleep to the scene, along with aunt and uncle who had also come for a visit that weekend. What a memorable moment for every one of them!

Proud Dad in the middle with
Papa on the left and Uncle Chase
holding the prize bundle of joy!

And Hunter got to meet her long-awaited baby brother. 

The happiest days are when babies come.
Welcome Lincoln!

"So what if I was a couple of hours later than they said? 
I got here as fast as I could!"

Enough love to go around to everybody!

Linking up with Backyard Neighbor for Blue Monday.
Just thought this was cute.


  1. Oh my, that was FAST!!! Lincoln and Hunter are real cuties and destined to be "fast" friends LOL!

  2. O, o ... surprising! I am glad all was going so good. Congratiolations! It's a nice baby. Thanks for sharing your beautiful things and happy moments.

  3. What a story this little one will be able to tell of his birth! I'm so glad that things went well and Lincoln is sure precious. Hunter looks very pleased. Congrats to the blessed parents.

  4. Aw, so precious! Glad Lincoln had a safe arrival :)

  5. Wow!! What a great story that will travel with Lincoln throughout his entire life, being told and retold! LOL So happy that mother and baby are healthy and doing fine. He is adorable and big sister looks ready to assume her role! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. WOW!! What an exciting story! Soo glad it all ended well. Such precious babies! And your right...the best days are the days babies come. Congratulations to all!

  7. That would have scared me to death. So thankful everything and everyone are doing well. Adorable baby.

  8. Congratulations! What an experience for her, so happy to hear all went ok. Lincoln is just precious!!

    Many blessings

  9. Congratulations to the family! Nothing like delivering your own baby! Glad to hear that everybody is doing well! YaY for Babies!! Blessings, Cindy xo

  10. precious!!! Congratulations...smiles

  11. Wow! What an adventure. I'll bet this boy will be doing things his way and in a hurry all the time! Such fun, and thank the Lord for a safe delivery!

  12. Congratulations! Nothing like a precious new baby......

  13. How exciting! That is a great story and I am glad that mommy and baby are fine. I thought my last one was going to be a roadside delivery, too, but I was able to get to the hospital on time, thank goodness. :)

    What does Hunter think of her new little brother?

    Have a blessed day!
