Monday, June 6, 2016

Blue Monday in June

It is a Blue Monday indeed when your company has gone! Our visitors left yesterday and it seemed they were here for only a moment. Well, maybe they were, after all! The trip was about soccer and that is pretty much how we spent our weekend except for the times we were eating, sleeping or traveling. Whew! They did great and it was wonderful to see them, if only for a short time. I will have pics of them tomorrow ... but today is Blue Monday! 

I'm linking up today with Backyard Neighbor. She has some beautiful photos over there, and you can also add your blue to Blue Monday.

This blue is a view from our suite on the American Queen
Steamboat traveling up the Mississippi River in 2015. 
Some beautiful blues here.

This could rightly be called the "Blue Plate Special!"
It is a place setting in the dining room at the
Nottoway Plantation. Our guide informed us that
each setting was worth $1,000.00!

My husband resting on a bench at the plantation
beneath one of the magnificent shade trees.

Reflections on the Mississippi

And a rainbow's end!


  1. A steamboat trip!

  2. A perfect combination of blues.

  3. Lovely! I know what china I won't be getting any time soon! Wow! Havae a great day.

  4. Lots of pretty blue for this Blue Monday. Love the shot of the Mississippi River! Happy Blue Monday!

  5. Nonnie, I love the pictures. Glad you had a fun time this weekend. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  6. WOW...all soo pretty! The place setting is gorgeous, can you imagine that price though? I know all about those "blue Mondays" when family/guests leave. I always go through withdrawals, no matter how long or short the visit. Enjoy your week!

  7. Oh my goodness, those are just beautiful photos (even hubby!). That place setting doesn't look like $1,000 but I believe it. Gorgeous! Glad to hear you had such a good weekend!

  8. Enjoyed your 'blues.' The rainbow is so pretty!

  9. Hi Nonnie, Love your photos os your Mississippi cruise. We have wanted to do this for a while. It looks relaxing and fun. The place setting is beautiful and so are your photos of the Mississippi river.

    Happy Blue Monday. We just arrived home from vacation yesterday. Late catching up. Thank you for joining my blog party.
