Wednesday, June 8, 2016

A Peaceful Hodgepodge

It's Hodgepodge time! Join in the fun with the questions from Joyce and link up at From This Side of the Pond!

1. I read here a list of 13 things you should do in June. I'm paraphrasing a little but basically...

Go on a road trip with your best friend, pick fresh strawberries, host a garden party, take a morning run, treat yourself to a flower bouquet, spend a whole day hiking, discover a new coffee shop, try a new ice cream flavor, read at least one book, visit a Farmer's Market, make a swing for your home, and visit a new city.

Which thing on the list do you most want to do? Of the activities mentioned, which one holds the least appeal? How many on the list will you attempt in June? What's one thing you'd add to the list?

First of all, I most want to take a road trip with my DH, who is my best friend. The problem is finding someone to take care of my pitiful, helpless dog. Since I can't seem to just read one book, I am currently reading several. Now I feel somewhat inspired to visit a Farmer's Market, and maybe pick out a few fresh strawberries there. A hike might be invigorating, but my body just can't do a whole day hiking anymore. Probably the least appealing would be to host a garden party. My patio and back yard are pleasant, but not exactly the scene for my idea of a garden party.

2. What's something you could do today to feel more peaceful? 

The past few days I have so enjoyed the nice weather and being able to sit outside enjoying the breeze that is just enough to keep a lady from some serious perspiring. It's been very peaceful to watch the dove's nest and see how Mama is watching over and feeding her babies. It's just too dark under the deck where the nest is to get a really good picture. 

Today I am also purposefully pursuing peace to replace the worrisome thoughts that have pervaded my mind. Trusting Him to keep me in perfect peace.

This was a gorgeous sunset a few nights ago.

3. June 7th is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. Are you a fan? Swiss mocha, rocky road, chocolate chocolate chip, peanut butter and chocolate, or a dish of plain chocolate...what's your pleasure? 

A dish of Braum's chocolate almond with 
a slice of Mama's Pound Cake.

4. If you came with a warning what would it say?

5.What's the most interesting website you've visited in the last week? 

Hmmmm, I really couldn't say since I visit a lot of websites in a week. Pinterest is always interesting.

6. Spring, summer, autumn, winter...which season are you? Why? 

I'm laughing at myself on this one. I had to answer three different ways. Since I haven't read Joyce's Hodgepodge yet, I'm not sure I answered correctly in any of them.

a. Although I absolutely love Spring, I would have to say Autumn. It brings such relief from the heat of August and September here in Texas. After the sweltering 100+ temperatures, Autumn just feels fresh and invigorating. I feel full of energy and even want to resume my walks! Ha! Then winter comes to put an end to that!

b. Having been retired for sometime now after 45 years of working, it feels like autumn in that the heat of the demands of combined job and home stress are behind me and I have been able to have more freedom and flexibility in controlling my own life as far as schedules and so forth. So I feel refreshed, have more breathing room and therefore more energy. I think maybe I've reached the age where I'm also considered autumnal in my season of life as well. 

c. I'm autumn. Just right. Not too warm, not too cold. Fairly predictable.

7. "You lose sight of things...and when you travel, everything balances out." ~Daranna Gidel

Would you agree with that sentiment? Explain why or why not.

I'm not sure. We get caught up in our own little everyday bubble consumed with the things that concern us and our little world. We have traveled quite a bit and it seems that when we were both working, the vacation balanced things out as far as taking a breather from the stress of our jobs. You could get away to do something exciting, meet new people, see different sights and scenery, soak up history, make fun memories, and discover new eating experiences. Since retiring, our trips take us away from the more restful routine and everyday life and we don't have to deal with "catching up" when we return as we did when going back to the job. So, in some ways, yes, it balances things out. In others, it's just a change in scenery. Although, these days, travel seems to be what presents the stress!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Wanda at Got a Minute or Two had some really good artwork on her post Monday. Her sketches of children reminded me of a painting we have in the bathroom behind the door. When you go inside the bathroom and close the door, you see a boy peeping through the fence at you. Our grandson does not like it. He says "Nonnie, he's looking at me!"


  1. I love your warning and can relate to that one too. I think your grandson has a point : ) Enjoy your day!

  2. Hi,
    I love your warning. That one works from me too.
    I work with some young ladies that give me I had to go with Do not do the Drama Queen around me ;-) LOL
    I also enjoyed what you wrote for #7 .... I agree.
    Have a great week,

  3. What a beautiful sunset! Love that verse too :) Have a great rest of the week :)

  4. Your warning would work for me, too. I am not good with change. It unnerves me to no end and the last week and a half has been nothing but change. I am constantly on edge.

    Chocolate ice cream and pound cake sounds yummy to me!

    Have a blessed day. :)

  5. I can certainly relate to your warning. Good answers! I enjoyed getting to know you more. Have a great day.

  6. That painting in your bathroom might make me think twice, too! ;)

  7. Your ice creams sounds good with some pound cake. The picture in your bathroom is too funny!

  8. I so enjoy reading posts like this...helps to get to know others better. That painting is so cute. 😊

    1. P.S. Can't believe God gave us both the same verse of scripture.

  9. What a cute/funny picture in your bathroom.

  10. LOL - I LOVE your bathroom artwork!! Enjoyed your HP answers! That dip of chocolate ice cream makes me want some!

  11. I loveee the bathroom work...smiles. Enjoyed your HP answers and I love Pound Cake. smiles

  12. Suzanne and I love to watch the cardinals here and how they work together as a family.

    Have a great day.
