Monday, May 9, 2016

Blue Monday

Here is my blue for the day. This is one of my dear friends standing in front of a sod house at the Dallas Arboretum. My Great Grandmother Upjohn and her family lived in a sod house in Kansas. After she was widowed, she brought her family down to Oklahoma City for better jobs for her sons and they were able to live in a much nicer home. It is hard to imagine a family living in a house of packed dirt with very little light inside. I wish I knew more stories about their life there. I admire the pioneers of yesterday so much because most of them lived with hardships we've only read about.

Dear sweet Great Grandma Upjohn, a/k/a Margaret Lillian. 

She is on the left. 

I only met her maybe once before she died at age 84 and I was only 5 at the time. I remember wondering to myself that "She died from a hard tack!" From all accounts I've heard about this woman, she was one of the sweetest, most gracious ladies ever! She had eight children and my Granny was one of her daughters. If Grandma Upjohn was anything like Granny, I know all those things said about her must be true.

Happy Monday. In keeping with today's theme, I will say I am feeling blue myself. It will pass. Life is hard, but God is good.

I'm linking up today with Backyard Neighbor. She has some beautiful photos over there, and you can also add your blue to Blue Monday.


  1. Your Great Grandma is the type of woman who built our country. They were smart, but very strong. I would fail miserably by comparison. Let one of my appliances go on the blitz and I turn into a WHINER. Very sorry you are having a blue Monday. I know we all have them from time to time but that doesn't make us feel any better when we're in the midst of the blues.

  2. It is so great to have those old photos and even just a few stories about our ancestors. Thanks for sharing. I want you to know that you are in my daily prayers!!

  3. I can relate to some things back when. I was born and raised during the 1929 depression. Believe me, my family went thorough the hard times. Even today, I appreciate things so much more than some of the younger generation.

  4. I really loved your post today. The photo is wonderful to have, those black and white vintage photos are rare. The hardships our ancestors endured for our futures was something. Our world is sad today, how times have changed and now so many want everything for themselves now. My grandmother was widowed when my mom was 13 , her husband and youngest son were killed in a gold mine cave in in Cripple Creek, CO. Grandma did what she had to do to raise her family and continue living the American dream. I know you treasure that photo very much. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week.

  5. Hello Nonnie, The photo of your great Grandma is a treasure. I enjoyed reading her story. I especially liked the quote as well.
    Happy blue Monday.

  6. Hope you are feeling better and your Tuesday was terrific :-)


  7. Love the quote...and the picture of your great Grandma. Hope you'll join us tomorrow for Friday Foto Friends.

  8. LOVE old photos and the stories behind them. Sometimes I honestly just can't imagine the hardships they bore. Hope the rest of your week went better
