Monday, May 23, 2016

Blue Monday Shades of Blue

We are having very stormy weather this morning.
This is from my back porch. 
I tried to catch the amazing lightning show going on, 
but iphone just can't do it!
(My DH loves it when I sing my version of Stormy Weather! ... NOT!)

On a brighter day.

Blue skies and palm trees
through window panes in Ft. Lauderdale
from our trip in February

Glacier Park, Montana
from our train trip to the West a couple of years ago.
This place is so beautiful, it almost looks fake!

Mediterranean Sea in Israel
Israel may be my favorite place in the world to visit.

San Juan, Puerto Rico
Just love the blue water and skies

My plumbago
It survived the mild winter this year.

These are clips from the videos of grandsons reciting the memory verses I sent to them the week before! So proud of them both. Noah is still loving his Bible and highlighting the Scripture he learns. His Mom told me that while at a graduation ceremony held in a local church, Noah was finding the verses in the pew Bible. How cool is that that he not only remembers the verses, but knows where to find them?

I'm linking up today with Backyard Neighbor. She has some beautiful photos over there, and you can also add your blue to Blue Monday.


  1. Whoa on your stormy weather. We are expecting high 70's today and then 89* by Wednesday...I guess we skipped spring here in western NY and went right to summer. What lovely pictures, I really enjoyed them. smiles

  2. What a perfect combination of blue skies and wonderful, church loving grandsons.

  3. A beautiful collection of photos! I love the one of Israel. My heart is to visit there one day. So wonderful that your grandson is actively getting to know the Bible. Have a blessed day.

  4. Nonnie, That's my favorite shade of skies. Your grandson is so cute. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  5. Beautiful pictures! Have a wonderful day!


  6. Loving all the photos. Lighting is pretty hard to catch!

  7. I like all your blue nuances! Nice grandsons.

  8. Precious boys. So neat you send them verses! Thanks for sharing your lovely Blue photos. It was a nice tour! I'm following you. I'd love for you to come over and see my Blue Monday post and follow me!
    Have a wonderful week.

  9. So many beautiful shades of blue. Isn't the pic from Puerto Rico gorgeous!

  10. Gorgeous photos...and such handsome boys! ;-)

  11. The ocean pictures just pull me in....I really need some beach time. It's not that far from us...just the planning and doing it!!!

  12. That is one angry looking sky! Wow!! Love the others!
