Sunday, April 17, 2016

Saturday Surprises

Saturday started out slow and easy, but ended with surprises and adventure. Amy, Kate and Jack came over for the day. We had lunch at Chili's, then played at the park for a while.

The park has been making a few changes, and we are awaiting the new swings to be put in. But below is a new addition, which I think a very good idea and I intend to add books to it each week. It's a little lending library. Borrow one - return one.

Sweet, don't you think?

Aunt Sara had sent a bag of shoes to Jack from his heroes.

Shoes worn by these two must contain a little "magic"!

He had to try on each pair and race around the yard.
What cool kids they are! All four of them.

No matter how fast he runs, he has yet to beat sister.

Even when he tries to cut corners! 

Someday, she won't be able to catch him!

Time to watch a little iPad before going home.

And, the last surprise!
Noah called to recite the memory verses for this week!

Congratulations to Brady and Noah
and another $5 will be on the way!

As for today, Sunday.

He gives rain for the earth
and water for the fields. 
Job 5:10

I will bless the Lord at all times!


  1. What a GREAT surprise!! The kids are adorable, and those little lending libraries really are a fun thing to find in neighborhoods! We haven't been to Chili's for awhile. Need to remedy that this week!

  2. Sounds like a great day! Aren't you glad they came yesterday while the weather was so nice?! I have noticed those little libraries popping up all over. One of our Scouts did several for his Eagle project.

  3. Sounds like you had a great time. I love the little library, what a great idea.
