Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Mission Impossible?

It was my group's turn in Bible study today to serve in the children's classes. This enables moms who attend Bible study to bring their children with them and really benefits the children as they play and learn about God's love for them.

It was my hope that I would get to be with the babies or toddlers and I wasn't disappointed. The little fluffle of 2 year olds I was called to serve in were known as the "bunnies" and there were 14 of them. However, my assignment today was a wee bit different than it has ever been in the past. 

Your mission ... should you choose to accept it ..
is to infiltrate and eliminate the chances of one certain little bunny a/k/a the "biter" from biting any of the other little bunnies. Your assignment is to just stay in close proximity keeping your eye on him at all times. He moves in faster than you can say jackrabbit, er, Jack Robinson. 

I'm pleased to report he did very well, and we had a good time. I know his mommy was happy to hear the good news that he never once even tried to bite anybody else. 

Mission accomplished. 

They loved running and playing under this parachute. 


  1. LOL - one of my little sisters was a biter....until Mom bit her back HARD and showed her how bad it hurts. Little sis didn't bite anymore. Not that I'm suggesting someone should bite the biter...but it worked at our house! :)

  2. I had a problem with a neighbor's little boy biting my 1 1/2 year daughter through the fence. I said nothing to the parents but told my little girl if he does it again to bite him back,well she did. His parents were so upset that it ended our friendship, even after I had told her that he was biting her fingers through the fence as she held onto it. It worked for us also.

  3. Biters are always quick on their feet. One of daughters was a biter and it was tough to break her. Now she's 45 aand I don't think she's bitten anyone in a very long time...Your church sounds wonderful!!

  4. My MoM did the same thing as Terri's. My brother was a biter, she finally bit him. I don't know if he stopped because he realized how much it hurt or if Mother's actions shocked him!

  5. Biters can really be a challenge! Congratulations on completing your mission!! The little ones will always remember the love shown to them.
