Thursday, March 24, 2016

Another Blustery, but Blessed Day

I mentioned the Texas winds yesterday in the spring hodgepodge. This is what I'm talking about!!!

Last night North Texas had some serious storms with lots of wind, rain and large hail that knocked out car windshields and windows of people's homes.

Today I had the privilege to visit another nursing home. What a great day for us and them. Or them and us!? It was a good day for everyone.

We sang.

Read the Easter story.

Passed out candy
and had drawings for nice door prizes.

Festive balloons.

We prayed for the residents and the staff who take care of them.

What a blessing these people are and how sweetly they responded to the attention, the story, the songs and our prayers. They all wanted to be prayed for individually.

It was a somewhat bittersweet time to visit this particular nursing home as I recalled my mother-in-law having been a resident there for several years. DH was there every day that he didn't have to work a 24 hour shift and I made up the difference on the days he worked. Our presence there ensured that she would be well taken care of.

My car has been giving me fits the last couple of weeks and today on my way home:

Check engine light

The car is in the shop now and you know, of course, what that means.


  1. Oh good golly, car trouble is just the worst! Hope you don't have to part with too much of that green stuff! Bless you for visiting the nursing home and giving so much. When my grandma was in assisted living, I was a very frequent visitor too. It does help I think.

  2. Love sharing in the nursing homes. the 50 years we were in ministry, I loved visiting the elderly. Now I am elderly.... What a blessing for those dear souls and for you that were so giving.

    My car's engine light came on this week...I relate..It was in and out of the shop with no MAJOR work, but even a little costs a lot. Hope your isn't to bad.

  3. Sorry about the winds. How awesome that you spent time in the nursing home. Sounds like they had a fun time. Sorry about your car. Hope it is a simple fix.

  4. The wind does BLOW, for sure!! Glad you were spared damage
    as the storm rolled through...So sweet that your group made time for the nursing home residents, as they are often such a forgotten part of our society...Car problems - yuk!! Sure hope it's an easy fix, aka a cheap fix.
