Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hodgepodge ... No Foolin'

Here are this week's questions to the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog then spring back over to Joyce tomorrow to share answers with the universe. See you there!

1. What are two or three expectations you have of yourself?

Be faithful to keep my commitments; to remain positive even with all the craziness going on in our world; to always be truthful. 

2. In what way does your outdoor space need sprucing up this spring?

I began yesterday cleaning out some of DH's vegetable beds which have some very rich soil and am going to plant wave petunias and sweet potato vines in them. My plan is to clean out the kids' sandbox, get rid of the old lawn furniture, new pads for patio chairs and a new table cover also. It may be that my rose bushes will have to be removed and new shrubs planted. All the pots on the patio need to be cleaned out and new plants put in. The front yard beds also need work. Whew! I am now tired just thinking about it all. 

3. According to this site (Roadtrippers), six of North America's most wondrous waterfalls are-Webster's Falls in Ontario, Upper Whitewater Falls in North Carolina,Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon, Multnomah Falls in Oregon, The Lower Yellowstone Falls, and Niagara. Have you seen any on the list? Which one on the list would you most like to visit? Prettiest waterfall not on the list that you've seen in person?

I've seen the Multnomah Falls, the Lower Yellowstone Falls, and Niagara Falls. I loved the falls we saw in Hawaii, Alaska and was surprised to find some waterfalls in New York at the Letchworth State park that were pretty cool. 

I had to look up the others on the list as I've never heard of them. I think maybe the Havasu Falls might be my choice since I've never seen the Grand Canyon, but then again, maybe the Upper Whitewater Falls because I love North Carolina. 

Along the fjords in Alaska

4. Looking back, what's something you wish you'd done as a teenager?

I'm sure I could have worked a little harder and made better grades. I wish I had been more active and could have attended more school events. Although I was friends with pretty much everybody, outside of school I stuck with friends from our church youth group. I think I missed out on making some really closer friendships. The good thing though is that because of Facebook, I have at least been able to reconnect with many of my high school classmates after all these years. 

5. Ham...yes please or no thank you? If you said yes please which of the following do you like best-baked ham with all the trimmings, a ham and cheese sandwich, prosciutto with melon, a ham biscuit, a bowl of split pea and ham soup, or a slice of pizza topped with ham and pineapple?

No, thank you. However, if it is being served, I will be polite and eat it. Best baked ham with sweet potatoes and butter beans. 

6. Are you typical of your generation? How so?

In some ways yes. I think my generation has been a more "hip" generation than my parents were because of all the changes in technology that we are keeping up with, and that the majority of us were two income families. In other ways, I don't think so. I was a child in the 50's, a teen in the 60's, but not part of the flower child generation. I have always been conservative and haven't been able to accept a lot of the changes that have come out of my generation. Most of them married, had kids, and now have lots of grandkids. Although that had been my plan, it didn't work out that way, so I ended up as a working girl, married with no kids and didn't "fit in" so much with my peers, such as sharing the sporting events, seeing kids grow up and be married, etc. After my husband passed away, I met and married again and have enjoyed the blessing of bonus kids and grandchildren and have had the joy of being part of that, but still ... not typical. So, in lots of ways, my life is typical, and in other ways, it isn't. 

7. April rolls in at the end of the week, and in keeping with that theme...'act the fool', 'nobody's fool' 'a fool's errand', 'could have fooled me'...which foolish idiom most recently applies to you?

You have fooled me with that question. Nothing comes to mind just now. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

It was sad to read that Patty Duke, one of my generation passed away yesterday. I loved The Miracle Worker and liked her TV show, and thought how fun it would be to have a twin cousin come live with your family. From what I read about her over the years, it seems she didn't have a real fun childhood and I felt sorry for her for that. Here is a Facebook post from my former employer about Patty.

"If you grew up in the 60's and 70's ... Patty Duke was a household name. Patty made a great contribution to this world - not only as a gifted actress, but also as a staunch advocate for mental health, having been diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 35. Hope For the Heart and I were blessed to have been the recipient of the Lilly Reintegration Award, given by Dr. Ralph Aquila, M.D. and Patty in 2008, for our service to those dealing with mental health issues. Patty, you and your heart for others will be greatly missed." -June Hunt

I'm glad she had a happy marriage at the end and I saw that her last post on Twitter was that she and her husband had just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary.


  1. Patty Duke was definitely a class act. What a beautiful waterfall in Alaska. Would love to see that for myself one day.

  2. The town of Cashiers is near the Upper Whitewater Falls. I haven't seen the falls, but Cashiers is a really charming little spot. I was sad to hear about Patty Duke too. I admire people who deal so honestly and bravely with mental illness.

  3. Good answers to the questions today. I've been to Niagara, and understand they are diverting it for repairs this summer. Should be interesting.

  4. Those waterfalls in Alaska look so beautiful, as does the water. Your list of yardwork makes me tired too. I haven't thought out all the specifics but mine needs a ton of work and it is overwhelming to think of it all. We moved in September and there were many years of just doing the bare minimum to keep it up.

  5. Sounds like some great plans to get things cleaned up in your outside space. I was friends with a lot of people in H.S. but I didn't care much about studying. Wish I would have buckled down more. I was a huge fan of Patty Duke's. She will be missed.

  6. I was also sad to hear we lost Patty Duke. She was a few years older than me and I remember idolizing her as a young teen. Enjoyed your Hodgepodge!!

  7. I loved the Patty Duke Show when I was little, would have loved to have an identical cousin!!
    I like your expectations.

  8. It sounds like you have your work cut out for you in the 'sprucing up' department!
    I was saddened to hear of the passing of Patty Duke, as well.
    Kathy (Reflections)

  9. Liked your answers to #1...and I think you win on the Falls question with the most seen from the list...pretty picture. To answer your question I'll be doing biblical counseling in my church's Soul Care ministry...and I'll be ACBC certified...used to be called NANC!
