Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Storm Clouds

Storm clouds come.

Storm clouds go.

Sometimes the flood waters of hurt or disappointment left behind are overwhelming and I feel as though I'm drowning. But I'm not. God is the lifter of my head and He sets my feet upon a Rock. He is my Rock and Foundation and His love is everlasting ... never changing.

Overcome with sadness last night as I went to sleep, awoke feeling crabby .. but I will not be overcome by these feelings. I wanted to rant and whine and complain, but I cast my cares upon Him. David encouraged himself in the Lord - and so can I. And now I can sing again.

I may not always be feeling happy, but I know that I am loved. Chris Tomlin said it:

I am loved by the King, and it makes my heart want to sing.


  1. I'm sorry to read that you have been down, but happy that you find your strength and comfort from our Lord and Savior! He can make everything right when we trust Him!! Hugs!!

  2. Nonnie, I am sending you some big hugs. We all need them once in a while don't we? You are loved by God and many more. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie
