Sunday, November 1, 2015

Turning Back Time

This morning as I combed my hair, I saw my Mother looking back at me.

Looking in the mirror some days does turn back the time as I see sometimes my Mom ... other times my Dad. 

I was reminded of something my hairdresser said a couple of weeks ago. As always when she is cutting my hair, we are discussing the possibilities for my wavy, curly hair. She remarked this last time that her challenge is to cut it in a style that won't cause me to look "dated!"

I think it is a little late for that! No matter which way it is cut, it falls back the way it wants!

And falling back that one little hour! The loss of sixty minutes really messes with us. I haven't heard from one person who says they like it. But we continue doing it. 

The whine is, "Why can't they just leave it alone? 

The question is, "Who are 'they' and where can we send a petition to get "them" to leave it alone? 

It's a bit of a bummer for all of us in Spring and Fall. Some things never change. We whine. We question. And we continue on the same. 

Thankfully, walking with Jesus doesn't have to be like that. I am going forward. No turning back. I am a new creation in Christ. I am being changed from glory to glory.

Beloved, now we are children of God,
and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. 
We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, 
because we will see Him just as He is. (1 John 3:2)

We sang this song last night at church. I love it!


  1. Nonnie, I think I am looking more like my mother as the years go by. LOL .. I could write a book with her sayings from long ago. In my prayers, I always ask God to make me the woman He wants me to be. Blessings to you , xoxo,Susie

  2. I've had those moments too! She is beautiful just like you! Have a wonderful evening.


  3. Well, I hate to make you feel bad, Connie, BUT-We are now on STANDARD time...the time we had for all of time until they came along with Daylight Savings time..(I think it was in the early 1900s) .which we all go to in the summer months so that we have sunshine longer during the day. It is crazy and I just wish they would pick a time and leave it

    I do see a bit of resemblance to your lovely mom and I honestly think that when somebody wears their hair the same way forever that they seem almost ageless. I have friends that have had the same hair style for years and it seems to me like they never age.

    Hope you have a great night and a wonderful November. Now go catch up on your sleep, will ya? lol xo Diana

  4. I take after my dad and his side of the family, but now and then my hands look like my mom's hands. That really gives me great comfort. Wishing you a great November!

  5. Lovely, Nonnie....I actually see my paternal grandmother. It's a good thing I loved her dearly!
