Monday, April 6, 2015

Resurrection Day 2015

Kate and Jack came over on Saturday to spend the night with us.
We had fun at the park, coloring eggs, and just playing in general.

Ninja Turtle man stands tall!
Kate's artwork.
Easter eggs are hidden on the page.
Even the sun's eyes are Easter eggs.
She likes to showcase!
All dressed up for Easter.
Jack refused to wear the cute shirt and pants his Mom packed for him to wear. It wasn't a battle to fight on Easter morning while getting ready for church, so he won and wore the airplane shirt. Kate informed me that Jack doesn't understand what is in season and what is not, but she does. Lol!!

Meanwhile, in South Texas ...

 Wish we could be in two places at once!
Would have loved to be with these two yesterday.

So thankful for God's protection. On Sunday morning we drove north on 75 which is always a nightmare because of the construction. It was raining on Sunday and a portion of the road between cement barriers was flooded. A truck passed us splashing water ALL OVER our car blinding us for a few seconds. Then, all of a sudden we were stopped because a woman had hit the side barrier leaving her car sideways across the road. We could see that she wasn't injured, but the gentleman just in front of us pulled aside to get out and assist her. He was a priest! God was watching out for her, too. So glad she wasn't hurt.

After church and lunch, it took one hour to go almost one mile because of the flooded area and the accidents on 75. Guess who was regretting greatly that she did not make a pit stop before leaving the restaurant.

It was a good day!


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful Easter (well, except for the scary car ride)- Gotta love a kid that wears and airplane shirt to church. After all God is UP THERE, isn't he? lol-maybe that boy is onto something!

    Hope you have had a wonderful Monday. xo Diana

  2. Oh my...I hate when we are stuck on the road with no restroom in sight! I feel your pain! So happy no one was hurt on 75! Love the photos. Your grands are adorable....airplane shirt and all!!

  3. Sounds like a fun time with the kids. Thanking God for watching over you and keeping you safe.

  4. So much cuteness in this post! Love how she hid all the Easter eggs! Thankful you were not hurt on the road... it's awful driving now, many irresponsible people and then adding bad weather doesn't help. Highways are not my favorite thing. Have a wonderful day!

