Friday, February 27, 2015

Now the day is over ...

Night has fallen here at the end of a beautiful and peaceful and very snowy day. 

I know it has been a rough one for hundreds of people out there in the traffic. The chaos that snow causes in North Texas is horrendous, but people do have to go to work and keep appointments. What a terrible day for one of my friends to have scheduled to move, and it was difficult for them, to say the least. And it took our son five hours to get home from work. 

Thankfully, we were able to be in the house all day. It was restful, but also a day of accomplishment of tasks around the house. I fixed pecan waffles for DH for breakfast, and one of the best chicken pot pies I've ever made for dinner. The seasoning was just right and today was a perfect day for it. I think maybe beef stew is on call for tomorrow. 

We were supposed to have the kids over, but driving conditions just didn't allow for it. I'm really glad though that they are home snug with Mommy and Daddy. They had a great time playing in the snow.

Trudy and I got to spend some time outside together. It wasn't play time, however. She is so old and I know she doesn't want to go outside, but I'm the old meanie who has to do all kinds of tricks to get her out the door, off the patio and to finally do her business. If only she could understand how quickly she could be back in her warm bed, if she would just do it and get it over with. Sigh ...

It's supposed to snow all night and tomorrow freezing rain is in the forecast. All this moisture is a good thing for us, but the rain will ruin the beauty of the snow. 

This has been a pleasant week, all in all. Since we went to church on Saturday night, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday we were inside due to freezing rain and ice. Our Ladies of Grace and Bible Study Fellowship morning Bible studies were cancelled because of the weather. 

Earlier this week, I looked out the window and saw a very large coyote behind the fence. Yikes! Although I felt sorry for him because I could see he was looking for something to eat, I willed him to go far, far away in his search. And today, DH happened to see our resident hawk land on a branch which broke as he landed and then soar on! Ha! I guess a hawk wouldn't fall.

On Wednesday, a friend and I took lunch to another friend who, as of two weeks ago, is now a widow. Her husband of 45 years was diagnosed with ALS last spring, and the disease which caught them unaware brought about death sooner, much, much sooner than had been anticipated. Having experienced the shock myself, I understand the aloneness ... the  emptiness. We spent a few hours reminiscing, listening, laughing and crying. 

Yesterday was a very laid back day. Freezing cold and windy and while my preference would have been to stay home, I had promised a friend that we would watch a couple of episodes at her house of one of our favorite TV shows: Foyle's War. What a great show and I'm sad that it couldn't continue on. 

Each night after we go to bed, DH and I have been listening to the newest Jan Karon book.
Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good (Mitford Years, #10)

The title pretty much describes what I feel about my life with DH. We are enjoying the book and will be sorry for it to end. 

How thankful I am that we have plenty of food and a warm house. It also helps being with the one you love. 


  1. That sounds like quite a week for you. I know Texas isn't really prepared for the snow and ice like we are here in the Midwest. What shuts you down is a "middlin' day for us because we have all the equipment and salt to handle the situation.

    Sorry the kids didn't make it but glad they are home safe and sound.

    I am sorry your friend lost her hubby so quickly. ALS is the most horrible disease. It robs them of everything except an active mind and doesn't allow then to even communicate in the end. God bless your friend.

    Glad you like the book. I have not seen that one by her yet..but have read most of the other ones a few years ago.

    Have a good weekend, Nonnie! Still laying low here- xo Diana

  2. I read that book a few months ago. I hated for it to end, too. A great series. I've read them all. Great post today, and it is good to catch up with you!

  3. You sound all "snug and cozy". Wish I could conjure up that feeling when it snows but instead I feel like a "caged animal". So glad today's snow skirted on passed us. Glad you are faring well with it and that all your loves are home and accounted for.

  4. What a lovely post!! I haven't read that book yet - but I will!!!
    I got stranded over here in Dallas at Quadville - Louis Dean couldn't get to me to take me home. Hopefully I'll get to go home tomorrow......or Sunday. Texas weather is crazy! It will be 72 degrees Tuesday!!! Go figure!

  5. Lovely post, girlfriend. I'm with you on having someone you love close by. We do enjoy time apart as well, but so comforting to be iced in together. We are supposed to warm up a bit today, but the grass was icy this morning. No snow in the Hill Country as yet.

  6. Stay warm and safe. Always love snow angels!

  7. Stay warm and safe! Spring is around the corner.

  8. Nonnie, I pray for people who have to be on the roads in bad weather. I did it for 30 years going to and from work. You sound like me , when I know all my children are safe in their home and makes me rest at ease. You are a true friend. Taking food to your friend in need. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
