My goal each year is to grow stronger in the Lord and
stronger in my prayer life. The first of each new year will find me very
diligently studying and seeking ways to improve in this area.
I am drawn like a bear to honey to any book, sermon, study
or article that has to do with prayer. But no matter how much I try, it
seems I never attain to the depth I am yearning for.
By the middle of the year, I am discouraged, wondering what
happened. Too often distractions, interruptions, (the dog,) the demands of the day (or even loved ones) will rob me of that special time set aside for Him. The mornings slip away, my time with the Lord seems not to bring me
to a place of being fully satisfied. Please
understand, I am not looking for some great, emotional high, just a deeper awareness that I have really connected with God. My prayer life: I feel
I am very immature in it. I need help. I need somebody to teach me how to pray
more fervently, more effectively, more faithfully.
In connection with that discouragement, I have also
continued to ask myself, "what kind of fruit am I producing?" Should
I not be producing better fruit in these mature years? What is the matter with
From time to time, I will receive strong affirmation from the Spirit or the Word that I am on the right track, or some instruction leading me. One morning I awakened and could sense Holy Spirit reminding me of the time the disciples were unable to cast out a demon. The fact was that these men were Jesus' disciples, they were believers, they prayed, but nothing was happening. When they asked Jesus why they weren't able to cast out the demon, He told them it was their lack of faith. I believed Holy Spirit was saying to me that I am praying, but do I have faith? Yes, I must have some degree of faith or I wouldn't be praying to a God I cannot see. But do I have real faith? Faith that moves mountains? Sometimes people pray, but they pray without faith.
This morning was one of those mornings where time slipped away ... and so was
yesterday. Having gotten up extra early to ready the upstairs bathrooms for
repairmen who were to come work on the floors, I was disappointed again by the
loss of that precious time with the Lord, only to hear from the workers that
work would not be done again today. I wasn't as angry as I was simply irritated
at time wasted and knowing another day would have to be set aside for the
So as I got into my car to run an errand, I turned the
radio on and the voice of David Jeremiah came on speaking about prayer ...
"Praying always with all prayer." YES! Just what I needed to hear.
What he had to say greatly encouraged me. He spoke truth that I knew. His encouraging words resonated with me because prayer life is not just saying a prayer in
the special time we set aside for prayer. It is my whole life. It is a
continual conversation with God. It is an open conversation. A believer's phone to Heaven
should always be left off the hook. A believer ALWAYS has access to the Father
because of Jesus. I speak to Him constantly. He speaks to me. Our conversing is
ongoing. So thankful the Lord directed me to be in the car at just that perfect
Later in the day on Facebook, one of my "like"
pages, question today was "What is the key to Bearing
Fruit?" whoa! How timely was that article.
Lord, I thank You for revealing Yourself to me, time after time. You hear my prayer asking You to teach me. You are teaching me. I pray for good ears to listen and hear. I believe. You help my unbelief. All things are possible. Only believe.
Lord, I thank You for revealing Yourself to me, time after time. You hear my prayer asking You to teach me. You are teaching me. I pray for good ears to listen and hear. I believe. You help my unbelief. All things are possible. Only believe.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
(Psalm 32:8)
You have positively got to stay in love with and trust the Father who will be there at just the right time to keep you encouraged.
The statement that our phone to Heaven should be left off the hook reminded me
of a song in one of my Mother's old songbooks. I can even hear her singing it
The Royal Telephone
Central’s never “busy,” always on the line;
You may hear from heaven almost any time;
’Tis a royal service, free for one and all;
When you get in trouble, give this royal line a call.
Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine!
I can feel the current moving on the line,
Built by God the Father for His loved and own,
We may talk to Jesus through this royal telephone.
And today?**
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
**This post was written on July 1.
When someone asked me recently if I prayed, my very first thought was "My whole life is a prayer". Now, I think you know what I meant!
ReplyDeleteIt might sound funny but the way that Tevye spoke with God in "Fiddler On The Roof" really influenced me when I saw that movie as a kid, and I sometimes make jokes with God just as Tevye did!
I pray in the mornings, on my way to work. I have found that throughout the day, it is so easy to just speak to my Lord, a few words, here and a thought or two there. It feels good to have a connection like that. You really don't have to devote hours during your day. At least this has brought me peace! Great post today!!
ReplyDeleteI think I pray almost hourly...many times just to say thanks! But other times it feels like my prayers bounce off the ceiling. I know it's my end that's not getting the message out but somehow He understands and is there for me anyway. Thanks for sharing your faith today on topics I needed to read about....great way to start the weekend!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely and timely post. I needed to hear it. Thank you, friend~
ReplyDeleteI'm so HAPPY to see you back in Blogland. What a trying summer you've had. Many times I wanted to tell other bloggers that you were in the hospital, but I knew it was your story. So glad you chose to share it. You are loved by so many, which is why they all rallied to help during this time. praying you
ReplyDeleteoops! Got cut off on my previous comment...Praying you are fully healed and restored very soon. I read your previous post as wll as this one. I learn so much from you and love seeing your precious family. Special healing ((HUGS)) to you, GF!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a GREAT post! I need to remember this verse and keep on praying!!
ReplyDeleteI have often had those same feelings and have wondered why either my prayers didn't seem to be answered or why my faith seemed so weak! Last week I had an especially troubling time and at one point said to myself that maybe I wasn't even a Christian. I prayed and asked God to show me somehow why I was feeling that way. The next day in Sunday School, right in the middle of the lesson, our teacher stopped and know, if you're worrying about whether or not you are truly a Christian, you can rest because if you weren't, you wouldn't be wondering or even thinking about it! I felt like God was telling me that He knows what I'm feeling! I find that the days I get too busy to read the Bible, I am anxious all day.....but the days I make it a priority, I'm peaceful.