Thursday, January 23, 2014


"A strong, innate impulse or desire to travel."
Please don't get the impression that I "lust" for travel! Truth is that is the word that comes to mind when I think about how the travel bug bit us many years ago.

The pic below for Throwback Thursday is from the trip that began a bit of wanderlust for us back in 1988. When we were married in 1987, the circumstances in life at that time did not allow for a real honeymoon and the issues of life and family around us just kind of absorbed all newlywed stuff right after our "I do's" were spoken.

But the following year, DH and I attended a tenant party for the office building where I was employed with a law firm. It was a beach party theme in November and the door prize was a free cruise to the Bahamas. Well, of course we put our name in the pot for that prize, but then left the party before the drawing, never giving it another thought.

Later that night though, I received a call from our office manager with the news that I had won! My name had been drawn and I. Was. Not. There!!!! But one of the attorneys I worked for (bless his little pea-pickin' heart) stepped up to the plate and claimed it for me. (I am guessing he may have used a few of those slick attorney skills to make excuses for my not being present for the drawing!)

A free cruise!! Totally! Airfare and all! We wasted no time in taking them up on that offer and were on our way to the Bahamas within a couple of weeks. Upon boarding ship, we were informed that we had been upgraded from a tiny little room on the lower part of the ship to a "bigger small" room with a porthole! A tiny room with a small view, but never mind about that, we were just thrilled to be on the boat and enjoyed every minute of this new adventure!

After that trip, we decided we kind of liked this traveling business and took off every year for other parts of the world. We have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things since then. How thankful I am that we were able to do it while we still had the good health and energy for it!



  1. What a wonderful experience (and a handsome couple!)
    I have had the urge to see Arizona and have been looking at Arizona Highways magazines!

  2. That was a great prize! I love to travel...any time, anywhere! Already thinking of our next trip!

  3. How wonderful! I loved your photos. I don't like to travel, which is good since our health keeps us close to home.

  4. How terrific that the attorney picked it up for you, and that you got to enjoy such a great trip! My daughter and I are going to Israel in March for her senior trip, and I am beginning to have a little trepidation about it, but the overall feeling is joy!

  5. Nonnie that is a great story! Glad that you had an attorney friend that was looking out for you. Love that picture of the two of you!

  6. That is a wonderful story!! What a great honeymoon and start to more wonderful trips and memories made! You made me smile! Love this!

  7. How fun! I am so glad you won that trip and it spurred you to travel even more. I love to travel but with hubby's work we are not able to do that right now- xo Diana

  8. "Wanderlust" - I like the word but seldom have the occasion to use it. Great story and "Oh the Place You Have Seen".. Great memories!
