Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Playing Catch-up

Math isn't really my "thang" as they say, but I was thinking about accounting and balancing out in relation to some of the moments lived out over the past few months. There were a few that weren't very pleasant, but when I compare the income of joy with the emotional losses incurred these past couple of months, we have still come out in the black. That may not be the best analogy, but its meaning is clear to me.


 My sister, Roberta, and her daughter, Robyn,
came for a visit to attend a wedding,
which was held outdoors on a
very chilly night in late October!
(I did my share of shivering for those
young ladies in their strapless dresses!)

Although the original plan DH and I had for Thanksgiving did not happen, we didn't let that get us down. My sweet sister invited us to her home where we enjoyed a fabulous meal and the good company of her family. We stuffed ourselves and the fellowship with them was just what was needed.

The fast track that usually happens during the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas was slowed down by an ice storm at the first of December.  It was somewhat of a relief to be able to sit cozily inside and just read, relax, rest.

DH and I took Kate and Jack to see Santa at the Mall. After waiting in line for some time we finally got to hand them over to Santa. The photographer took four snaps of them and Jack's "deer in the headlights" expression never changed once. Looking at this, you would never know this is a wide-eyed smiling boy all the rest of the time.

Brady and Noah saw Santa in their part of Texas
Our plan for Christmas was to go to Tulsa for a long anticipated bridal shower for my nephew and his fiancé.

The shower promised to be a fabulous party with all his old friends from the area and, following that, we would all travel to Branson, Missouri for a few days to join in the Old Town Christmas celebration together.

What's wrong with this picture?
My DH and me are not in it!!

Two days before these exciting events were to take place, I came down with the nasty, nasty crud! It was upsetting because the doctor said it was viral, would give me nothing for it and told me it would just have to run its course! Phooey!! With heavy congestion, no voice, and sounding as though I would cough up my lungs at any minute, we decided to stay home and spare my brother's family and all their guests!

By Christmas Day, we were at least able to attend Christmas Eve Service. Jason was doing his service with the Fire Department, but Amy and her Mom, along with Kate and Jack joined us.

Dinner at Chili's after church

Kate "the little elf" helping Mommy wrap presents
Here are a few pics from the really BIG day!!

Thank you note from Santa to kids for the snack they left him

Getting ready to open all the gifts on Christmas morning

Kate was excited to receive the long-awaited for Teddy Bear
Uncle Charlie demonstrated the tunnel

Kate painted most of the afternoon
We had all the trimmings to go along with the beautiful turkey that
Jason had cooked in his new infrared cooker!
(No need for a pic here!)

Happy Birthday cupcakes for Jesus
A few days after Christmas, we headed south to
have Christmas with Sara's family.

Noah and Nonnie being silly with selfie!

The boys love their Palin dog
(and so do I)

Fun in the tent

Sweet pic of DH with daughter Sara and grandson Noah

He loved his Green Machine

See-saws have changed over the years

2014 brought changes -
including the parting of Noah from his "Mimi"
Sweet Brady
So responsible for a 7 year old
Smartest boy in class
Skilled in sports
We spent 3 days with them and surprise, surprise, surprise,
got to bring the boys back home with us to celebrate New Year's Eve.

Fun with paper airplanes

2013 did end on an exciting note for us.
All four grandkids spent New Year's Eve with us.

Resting up before the evening's festivities
We partied hard!
Flew paper airplanes, chowed down on pizza, played,
jumped on the trampoline and danced the night away!

Happy New Year a little late, but better late than never!



  1. Oh, what great pictures! The Santa one is a classic. I'm so sorry you had the crud, but glad you are getting over it. What you wrote in your opening paragraph is so true. The Lord always turns what was meant for evil into good.

  2. Oh Nonnie...I loved all your wonderful pictures. So sad you had to miss some of the fun, but what a blessing to see you in these pictures with your family and grandchildren. They are all so darling.

    It so good to realize we cannot we robbed of our JOY...we can give it away, but not one can take it. I'm so glad you kept your JOY!! God is good, all the time ~~~ and then some.

  3. Well, even though things didn't turn out like you thought they would several times, it looks like you had wonderful times after all. Ummm-that wedding does sound COLD! lol I am so sorry you had such a miserable cold but glad that the Christmas Holidays were wonderful.

    Your photos are all so precious of your family! xo Diana

  4. Happy New Year to you too :) Glad you still had many treasured memories made over the holidays despite the change of plans and you being sick. I love the thank you note that Santa left!

  5. Yes, beter late than never! You have been so busy. I was sorry to read that you have been sick that is awful for you! Glad that you had a good Chrsitmas though. Enjoyed the pictures, those grands are such cuties!

  6. You know things sometimes don't go the way we plan - but they turn out great in spite of ourselves. It did look like fun and I enjoyed your family.

  7. What fun!! Thank you for catching us up and sharing so many great photos!! Your little ones are adorable, and the two dancing look like pros! They really did great!!

  8. What a fun post...except the part about the "crud"...I had it too and I sympathize! Hope it's better now! What a cute group you have and I love the dancing! I'm enjoying seeing posts about the holidays. It brings it back again to enjoy all over! Thanks!

  9. So sorry you were sick but thank you for sharing the photos of your lovely family and the video is so much fun. Thank you for your kind comment on my post. May the Lord richly bless you in this new year.
