Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wrap up

The Ladies of Grace (LOG) and Bible Study Fellowship Bible studies which began in September of last year have wrapped up, leaving my Tuesdays and Wednesdays open for something else this summer (which I'm sure I will figure out soon). LOG held a leadership luncheon last week (thank you, Lorraine and Lisa). All the food was delicious, and everything was so elegant and peaceful as we sat around the table enjoying great conversation. As we tarried there after lunch, several of us were receiving text messages from others warning that a tornado watch was in effect, so we reluctantly ended our party.

There was no concern for me as I left Lorraine's house ... it had only begun to sprinkle, very non-threatening. But once I got out on the highway to my house, it was a different story and the drive home was one of the scariest I have driven in years. Dark storm clouds, heavy and blinding rain, high winds!! Believe me when I say the plans I had made for running errands and dropping by to see the kids were discarded and become plans for a better weather day. I prayed all the way home with the memory fresh in my mind of the devastating tornadoes from the day before in Moore, Oklahoma. Thank You, Lord, I made it home. (I think that is the first time I have ever seen the traffic on 121 moving along at 20 mph in a 70 mph zone.)

On Friday, (after a couple of weeks spent trying to get together) we headed over to Farmersville to visit our good friends, Bettye and Paul, and treat ourselves to a chicken fried steak meal at the Cattleman's Cafe in Blue Ridge.

I had never heard of the Cattleman's Cafe, but Bettye raved about it so many times, that we finally had to go see what was up with that since a good chicken fried steak is something we really like can't get enough of. Bettye says you cannot get in this place on Sunday after church. I believe it too because the food was good and the place was small - it may also be the only cafe within miles around!

I never knew that Blue Ridge was a real town. But here is a pic of the city hall to prove it is.

The chicken fried steak lived up to its good reputation! Their really big boast is that it was rated #1 by Big D magazine. I'm not sure I would say it was the best I've ever eaten, but I would say it was mighty good and worth the trip.

Bettye and I had planned to leave the guys home and visit the antique stores in Farmersville after lunch, but after stuffing ourselves with all that food, it was pleasant to just sit (hard to move) out on Bettye's front porch sipping tea, visiting, and listening to the sounds of the country. So restful ... Trudy ran around happily exploring new territory ... the day was definitely worth the trip.

There is a saying that "the road to a friend's house is never long."
I hold with that thought.
I just wish it wasn't so far away!!! ;/)

My friend's house :-)


  1. So glad you are safe from this unusual weather pattern. I have a son in K.C. and have been keeping an eye on the weather report.

  2. Oh my that does sound like a scary ride home.. Glad you made it safe. The Cattleman's Café looks so fun. My dearest loves Chicken fried steak, but we don't eat much fried foods anymore. But I'm sure he would surrender for that dinner!

  3. BTW love your friends home and that front porch! I could just live on that porch.

  4. So glad you got home safely! Always wonderful to spend time with friends :) I love the porch as well looks so warm and inviting, :). Have a wonderful weekend!


  5. Thankful you made it safely home. Being caught on the highway with a raging storm is a particular fear of mine, so I can just imagine how scary that must have been...Love your friend's porch. Just the thought of sitting there and drinking ice tea makes me smile.

  6. Sitting on the front porch with good friends and just enjoying the day sounds SO wonderful (as does the chicken fried steak!). I'm so thankful you beat the storm. I don't like those things at all.

  7. You were blessed to get home safe - the weather has been crazy. sandie

  8. I'm glad you made it home safe. I hate driving in rain like that..scares me to death! A yummy lunch and good friends..a good combo! Her home looks so pretty and that porch looks really inviting.
