Monday, April 1, 2013

March Memories

The idiom, "March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb" doesn't usually hold true in Texas because the wind seems to blow constantly ... and hard. (Not that I am complaining, because it will be greatly appreciated when summer comes on.) But the days we have that are mild, sunny, temps in the 70s and no wind are few and far between and they are one of my favorite things.

This year? After waking up yesterday morning to high winds, thunderstorms, and cool temperatures, the sun came out just before church leaving us with one of those "perfect days." So the March saying proved true this year and what a lovely day it was as March ended with the joyous celebration of Resurrection Sunday, and a day filled with the blessings of rain, sunshine, and loved ones.

Church service was great and afterwards, we had a few peeps at our house waiting for some of our very favorites who came to see us.

No Easter bunny here. I love the sweet lamb.


Jack with his Easter bucket
(He doesn't know it yet, but the "bink"
is headed for the bucket on April 22,
when he turns two.)

Got another one!
On the run

Trying really hard to pose - but it's not easy!

So yesterday is now a sweet memory, but the even sweeter story of Jesus and His love for us is one that is eternal. And one I never tire of hearing.

Tell Me the Story of Jesus


  1. What a beautiful family you have! I love the last picture of him reading the story of Jesus. So sweet!

  2. How lovely ~ I love your Easter sweet. You have a beautiful family. We enjoyed all of ours Sunday too. Nothing better than "Family" especially on Resurection Sunday! Blessing!

  3. what a wonderful Easter, such a lovely family,

  4. What a great day you had! Love the pics and those Grandkiddos are adorable..a true blessing. Happy Easter!

  5. Well it does look like you had a nice day in spite of the weather. sandie

  6. Sounds like you had a beautiful day!! Enjoyed the sweet pics! Made me smile to look at them!!

  7. Its me Laurie again, I see you have my old blog ( IN MY DREAMS I SEE) on you side bar, someone stole that blog and it is not me, they call themselves Laurie but it is not me!
