Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pillow Talk

Tuesday night conversation  ;-)
Me: Where do you think we are going to have dinner tomorrow night?

DH: Don't know. We aren't going until Wednesday.

Me: Tomorrow IS Wednesday. 

DH: It is? Wow! And all this time, I was thinking today is Tuesday. 

Me: It is. 


That conversation just struck me funny.
Maybe you just had to be there.

It reminded me of a cartoon that is taped to our fridge:



  1. LOL- We have those same sorts of conversations at our house all the time- xo Diana

  2. Yep, that's usually how our conversations go too! I love the cartoon too! I'm always shocked when I see me unexpectedly!

  3. Hahaha!!! That's too funny, but it hits pretty close to home...

  4. Love that Cartoon..My dearest and I have those much to often.

  5. I've had that conversation - 'cept I am usually the one confused on the day & date! ;-0
