Friday, October 5, 2012

Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?

No slip pie crust mat
No Fail pie crust recipe
Colonial rolling pin
fresh ingredients
Perfect Cherry Pie?
Apparently the answer to the question is,
"No, she cannot bake a cherry pie" ...
or I should say, a pretty cherry pie.
Yesterday was the birthday Dear Heart has been
somewhat down in the dumps about for the past couple of weeks.

It was his

His birthday wish was "no big fuss."
No gifts.
(He pretty much has everything he wants anyway)
But I wanted to do SOMEthing special for him.
I made him a homemade birthday card
(which is the only kind of card he likes to give or receive).
And he loves cherry pie.
So I baked a pie from scratch.
The last pie I made was maybe 30 years ago.
(And I'm guessing it will be another 30 years before I bake another!)

And rats! because my hands were deep into the pie crust dough,
I missed a great photo op!
Looking out the window I see one of these
coming up the hill in the backyard.

He's riding his Toro and pulling one of the outdoor sheds
uphill to get it on the side of the house.

It's always something with him.
I love my Dear Heart and am
so thankful for him.




  1. Happy Birthday to your hubby! I hope it was a nice day for him. I hope the pie was tastey if not lovely! Hey, we're in the market for a shed so he can just keep pulling it up to the Pines..Thanks!

  2. Happy Birthday to your Dear Heart. 70 is a good one! I'm a year older than him, and we will celebrate my dearest birthday next month with "75"...planning a family party.

    You pie sounds great...I love pie crust..raw and cooked!!!!

  3. Happy birthday to your husband! And how sweet to make a cherry pie from scratch!
