Sunday, September 30, 2012


The other night as I was in the kitchen preparing to cook dinner,
Dear Heart joined me to see if he could help.
As we worked together there,
and talked,
I was overcome with the realization that YES,
things are settling.
We are getting back to our "normal."
There are scars that say things are not as they were entirely.
But that is never to be expected anyway.
What is in the past is water under the bridge.
No turning back.
Life is full of twists and turns.
Bumps in the road for everyone.
Sometimes the bumps cause you to hit the roof
and leave a bruise.
But you do come down.
And you do get over.

Scars can be like stones of remembrance
reminding us that:
Life is good.
God is good.
Thanks be to Him for His mercy and grace
to bring us through.
My cup runs over.



  1. God carries our burdens with us so our load does not overwhelm us. God bless you today and always.

  2. That was a very good post Nonnie! Thanks for sharing with us! It was something that I needed to read this morning!!

  3. A absolutely lovely post, full of wisdom.

  4. I find that when things have injured you - you heal - but the scars remain - probably to remind us how strong we are.

    I guess I am relatively new - what happened if I may ask?

    Have a good day.

  5. Last night I was listening to some Country music, and one of the songs was "True Love Travels on a Gravel Road" How true...So glad you are getting your life back to normal. Sending love and blessings for a great Sunday.

  6. So very true.
    HIS mercies are new every morning.

  7. Amen!! Nothing - outside of God's love, anyway, - EVER stays the same!! Thankful God made us adaptable!
    Good for you finding a new 'normal.'

  8. May God continue to bless you and help you through the difficult times.
