Monday, August 20, 2012

Good news Monday

Going to the doctor isn't that much fun, nor is it the way
I really want to spend an entire morning.
But it's always good news to find that everything is well when you're done.

It's a red-letter day health-wise. Not only does the doctor proclaim me to be in great physical shape - but I am still growing!
I grew half an inch this past year!! LOL! Thinking somebody made a clerical error
in the records somewhere, but will take it
since the additional height greatly improves the BMI index.

Eh?? What did you say?

I have been comexplaining my hearing is very bad.
Doctor's test says my hearing is better than average.
Now I'm wondering if I am ADD, using selective hearing,
or just tuning out others. What is my problem?
Will try to pay more attention.

7 years out on breast cancer! YAY!!!

Thats something to shout about!!!

Musing earlier about whether to mention this is also the 27th anniversary
of another day that was a life-changer for me. 
A day I discovered how quickly a fairly tranquil world
can be turned upside down - in the blink of an eye.

You wake up, life is normal, you bid your husband good-bye as he goes to work ...
and he never returns. You receive the dreaded phone call that nobody wants to get ...
and nothing is ever the same.
I remember that day vividly. The people who came to my aid in that time of need,
the weather, my emotions, sleepless nights, 
it is all etched in my memory as though it happened yesterday.

Since that day, I have experienced many other life-changing days.
The good news is I'm stronger now than I was then.

A strong woman believes that she's strong enough
to face her journey ... but a woman of strength
has faith that it is in this journey that she will be come STRONG!!!

Not as strong as I want to be.
Life still throws curve balls ... and always will.

The even better news

God gives power to the weak
and strength to the powerless.
The joy of the Lord is my strength.
and He will sustain me in times of trouble.


  1. I loved your post today - and congrats on being a 7 year survivor - seems like you are better then ever. You are so faithful writing on my posts.
    I love to comment back sometimes and I have looked for your email address. Mine is
    skcz at comcast dot net
    Would you send me yours?

  2. Congratulations!! I, too, am a cancer survivor......23 years ago I had agressive thyroid cancer.

    Your post today is especially touching as last Monday a dear friends received a life changing phone call. Her 32 year old son had been up in a tree and accidently struck a power line with a metal pole then fell over 15 feet. LD and I went up to the hospital and sat with them all night. Praise God the electricity went down his arm and out his belt buckle and into the tree. Still he is in crital condition a week later.

    When I get a good check up I am always grateful as are you! Ah, the blessings of a 'normal' day!

    Prayers for a good Monday for you my friend!

  3. Excellent day of good news on your check up!! Congratulations on 7 years being cancer free!!

    Good blesses you each day with such strength I cannot imagine how I would handle the news your rec'd 27 years ago.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  4. You must have been so young to have become a widow.
    Glad that you have been given a clean bill of health, such a blessing.
    God is with us ALWAYS.

  5. Nonnie- Your bad 27th anniversary is eased by your 7 year Cancer Free diagnosis today. Something to hold onto in the years to come. It is amazing how we continue to relive those life altering moments over and over in our minds, isn't it? Dissecting them and pulling out little images from here and there- God bless you and soothe your heart today- xo Diana

  6. Wooohoooo! 7yrs and going strong! Congrats on the good news. I'm waiting for that day for my friend Donna...that will be happy dance day for sure. I'm sorry you had such a tragedy in your life 27yrs ago. Those are moments that time can never erase, but thankfully we can get through them will the help of family and good friends and God's love. I don't know how I missed the post on Alaska. We took a very similar tour about 5yrs ago. The food however wasn't that great..don't know why. I actually lost 4lbs! Crazy! But we loved, loved, loved, Alaska and will try and go back one of these years. Have a good week!

  7. God Bless You. What a range of emotions you must be feeling today. Thank You for reminding us just how precious life is.

  8. such a powerful prayerful post, you are an inspiration,

  9. What a FULL post. You are amazing - though I know you will deny it. LOL By sharing these times with us you encourage, uplift, and help us all grow through God's grace. So happy for the good medical report, and inspired by how you have allowed God to lead you from such heartbreak to a full life. I'm so glad that I know you!!

  10. God bless our each day with such strength to fight the worst time of my life...

    - Herman Swan
