Friday, July 13, 2012

I had no idea ...

that blogging could be so stimulating, addictive, fun, friendly.

This has been a fun day of reading comments to this little blog
(thank you, Sweet Tea for such a "sweet" intro on your blog
and sending new friends my way.)

Everybody has a story - everybody has a tale.

Most of this afternoon I've spent with a cup of coffee, reading your blogs.
The comment was made by Linda that everyone has a story
and that is something for sure.
We are all different and yet, share so many of the same thoughts and feelings.
I am looking forward to following new friends
and sharing a little part of my life here
in this new place (for me anyway) called blogland.
It's going to be fun!
(It's so much fun, I got a little carried away and pushed a button
or some crazy thing and now find myself following my own blog!)
Do I need to say "Excuse me" or something?


  1. Welcome to the blog world. I just came from Sweet Tea's blog and she gave you a shout out.
    Write on Dude!

  2. Well, now you will refer to your life's time line as BB and AB...Before Blogging and After Blogging. I know that you will love blogging. I stated out to just do a little blog for family and friends and IS addictive.

    Your friend SweetTea sent me over here. We won't hold your friendship with her against you!;>) Blessings- Diana

  3. I've been reading up on some of your posts. Sweet Tea sent me here to check you out. WELCOME to the blogging world. You have a very nice style of writing and I feel your warm heart. Welcome from me to you.

  4. LOL-I think lots of people follow their own blogs. That way it shows up on your dashboard when you hit publish and give you a gauge as to when others posted, too...before you...after you..

    Glad you are enjoying blogging. Make sure you sign up as a follower when you go visit someone's blog because you will get people clicking on your picture and checking out your blog just by being a follower. xo Diana

  5. Thanks for the tip. I have been trying to do that this morning and last night. It's fun reading all the blogs. I signed up on yours. You sure have some great looking grandkids.

  6. Hello, Nonnie. Our dear friend, Sweet Tea, sent me over to say hello. I do want to welcome you to Bloglandia. You are going to love it - I just know it.

  7. Hello Nonnie,
    I love your quote from Isaiah at the top of your blog. It reminds me, please tell me that you love "Chariots of Fire"! The part where Eric Liddell refuses to run on the Sabbath is the BEST because it is TRUE!
    Hope you enjoy your blog as much as I do mine!
    xx Kay

  8. Hello Nonnie. I too love the isaiah quote at the top. I am hoping you love blogging as much as I do. Hope you will join me too. Have a wonderful week...and I will check in with you throughout the week.

  9. Blogging is addictive and therapeutic. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as I have.

  10. Just had to stop over from Sweet Tea and say welcome to blogging! You will love it and it's always great meeting someone new!


  11. Nonnie, thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy this adventure as much as I do. It's fun to connect with people from all over the world and learn about different views of life and realize we're all pretty much the same! I love the scripture at the top of your header. We have it on a beautiful piece of wood with a beautiful picture of an eagle above it. It's one of my hubby's fav quotes.

  12. I think I follow my own blog as well... I'm forever learning. lol Have a great week!
