Saturday, June 27, 2020
Saturday 9
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Looking Through Rose Colored Hodgepodge Glasses
2. In honor of National Pink Day (June 23rd) tell us your favorite pink food or beverage. I can’t think of any pink food that I might enjoy, other than a strawberry cake maybe? Or an occasional rose wine? Was it on the menu at your house yesterday? No. Do you like to wear the color pink? I like to wear pink in the summer if I have a tan.
If we came to visit would we find this color in your home decor? No. Blush-fuschia-salmon-raspberry-your favorite shade of pink? Raspberry.
3. Stop and smell the roses, looking through rose colored glasses, a rose by any other name, not all moonlight and roses, no rose without a thorn...which rosy saying currently fits your life in some way? Looking through rose colored glasses. Explain. I have already shared that I am pondering a move. I need to get out of my big house into something smaller. The thought of a move is exciting, but the thought of actually making it happen not so much. I’m thinking about moving out of state, and that’s likely where I’m looking through rose colored glasses as it probably is not that practical or going to be easy.
4. Are you a 'reader'? Love to read. Do you tend to read lighter books in the summer months? Not necessarily. Do you have a summer reading list? Yes. If so, give us a title or two. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, Lost Roses by the lady who wrote the Lilac Girls, and bedtime reading is Return to Me by Lynn Austin. I highly recommend the two books by the author Martha Hall Kelly, and also The Nightingale. I am also reading through the 90 day plan for the New Testament.
5. Share with us one rose and one thorn from your weekend. Maybe the rose might be a zoom Shabbat meeting on Friday evening with people in Cabo San Lucas. The thorn would be that except for the Messianic service on Saturday, my weekend was spent alone.
6. Insert your own random thought here. Another rose would be that on Sunday afternoon, I received calls from two friends who called to let me know they were thinking of me on this first Father’s Day without Jay. It meant so much to me to hear their caring voices.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
Oh, I remember this song. It always brought a tear or two.
1) This song is about a little girl who runs after her daddy. When is the last time you ran? About a year ago. Were you trying to get somewhere in a hurry, or playing a sport? I had a snake Jay had captured with the snake tongs and was racing out to the back fence to toss him over! You bet I was in a hurry!
2) This song was a top ten hit for Wayne Newton. Mr. Newton is better known for his TV work, having made more than 150 appearances since 1963. Have you ever been on TV? Yes. When I was a little girl, I was invited to a birthday party on a local children’s show. All of us were on TV. As a five year old, I was not impressed as it was easier to watch the cartoons at home than on a tv monitor. Then in junior high, our glee club was featured on the local talk show. And, more recently, I attended the taping of a James Robison Show to see Andy Andrews. The camera scanned the audience a few times and voila, there we were!!! Do any of those count?
3) The road leading to Las Vegas' McCarran International Airport is named Wayne Newton Blvd. in his honor. When is the last time you were at an airport? About a year ago. Were you flying somewhere, picking someone up, or dropping them off? We were picking up friends from their vacation.
4) Wayne says Elvis Presley haunts Las Vegas, and believes that The King of Rock and Roll has given him performing and parenting tips from beyond the grave. When did you last see Elvis? About a week ago. On TV, on a t-shirt, poster or magazine cover, or as a ghostly apparition? I happened to see the movie Forrest Gump and at the beginning, as you will recall, there was a clip of Elvis on the Ed Sullivan Show.
5) When Sam walks with her own dad, the problem isn't that he walks fast. It's that he's always stopping to pick up litter he finds on the grass. Litterbugs are his pet peeve. What's your pet peeve? People driving slow in the fast lane.
7) It was her father who taught Sam to drive. Are you a better student or teacher? I do teach, but I think I’m a better student because to teach, you have to learn.
8) Sam's father also always asks if her car in "tip top" condition. Most recently he reminded her to test her headlights, tail lights and turn signals while the car is parked to make sure they're all working. Do you have a car maintenance tip to share? Stay on top of the condition of your tires and keep your gas tank full.
9) Sam's father satisfies his afternoon sugar craving with an almost endless stream of Butter Rum Lifesavers. Do you usually enjoy a between meal snack. I do these days—I find myself having a couple of chocolate chip cookies or brownies.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
A Summery Hodgepodge
The only one that stands out to me is labor of love. I have spent the last five months trying to figure out what to write on my husband‘s grave stone. I’ve mentioned before that we are sharing a grave stone, so trying to sum up something that speaks to both of us has been very difficult. Here’s a copy of my long list, and here is what I have finally decided upon. The people at the funeral home were glad to know that I wasn’t expecting them to try to put the entire list on the headstone. It's mostly about him anyway. After I'm gone, it really won't matter to me!
3. What's one thing currently causing you to seethe?
Just one thing? Really? Well, how about seeing our Supreme Court making laws instead of interpreting the law. One thing currently making you smile? I'm going through the office trying to sift through what is important, what to keep, what to toss. I just ran across an old file that contained some of my "atta girl" notes from people I worked with. Much needed encouragement for me today.
Watch the sunset from the beach, ride a bike, or make a summer road trip.
5. Thursday is National Splurge Day. What might you splurge on in order to celebrate?
I decided to look around and see what my options are to maybe move into one of the senior communities close by. I found a model that I liked a lot, and I have a realtor coming on Thursday to look at my house and the possibilities or likelihood of it selling. So the last few days my thoughts have been occupied with purging and moving and it’s quite overwhelming. My goodness! The things we accumulate over the years. Thinking maybe it’s better to stay put. Right now I think I’m just undecided.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
A Beautiful Hodgepodge
5. Describe your current mood in three words. A little anxious.
6. Insert your own random thought here. Jason needed me to watch Jack for a few hours on Tuesday, so we went to visit Brady and Noah. It was fun; we played pool, swam in the pool and had Chick-fil-A. It was a good day. Jack was disappointed that he couldn’t stay the night, but he was OK with it in the end. Sweet boys. They were playing Marco Polo in the pool, which explains the strange blindfold under the goggles.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Hodgepodge Wednesday
2. June 2nd is National Rotisserie Chicken day. Who knew? Are you a fan of rotisserie chicken? Yes, I think it’s delicious. You've purchased one at your local market for tonight's dinner. Will you serve as is or make something else using the chicken? I would use it to make something such as chicken pot pie or chicken salad.
3. I read a list recently (go here to read more) of 20 of the most beautiful places in America. How many of these have you seen up close and in person? Of the sites on this list that you haven't seen, which would you most like to see?
Antelope Canyon Arizona, Kenai Fjords Alaska, White Mountains New Hampshire, Crater Lake Oregon, The Palouse Washington and Idaho, Grand Prismatic Spring Wyoming, Multnomah Falls and Columbia River Gorge Oregon, Horsehoe Bend Arizona, Na Pali Coast Kauai Hawaii, Antelope Valley California, Lake Tahoe California, The Berkshires Massachussets, Maroon Bells Colorado, Angel Oak South Carolina, Acadia National Park Maine, Grand Teton National Park Wyoming, Turnip Rock Michigan, Central Park New York City, Niagara Falls New York, and Skagit Valley Tulip Fields Washington
Kenai Fjords Alaska, Multnomah Falls and Columbia River Gorge Oregon, Na Pali Coast Kauai Hawaii, Lake Tahoe California, Acadia National Park Maine, Grand Teton National Park Wyoming, Central Park New York City, Niagara Falls New York.
5. Tell us one un-COVID related thing you're looking forward to in the month of June. A fellowship dinner with these lovely Bible Study Fellowship leaders.
And wowee!!! My neighbors down the street just came down to put a new net on my raggedy basketball goal. The kids will be so happy!