Monday, March 30, 2020

Home Alone and Memories of Plaid dresses and Pointy Glasses

Another Monday in our Stay-at-Home situation. I'm cooped up here by myself, with my dog Annie, of course. However, no matter how much I talk to her or how many questions I ask her, she doesn't answer. Yes, I talk on the phone, I Facebook way too much, I Zoom, I email. It goes on and on. I was handling the "aloneness" pretty well until last night. Something happened (I don't remember what) to trigger the feeling that yes, I am now alone. ALONE!! 

This little rant is not to evoke anyone's sympathy or self-pity. Just record-keeping. Please don't feel sorry for me. This is a time for me to draw closer to the Lord, for me to help somebody else, for me to be thankful for all He's blessed me with.

So this morning, seeing the photos people are posting on Facebook as they were when children looked fun. Especially Terri with her cat's eye pointy glasses and the plaid dress. Debby mentioned that we all had those. I had to look back through old pics to see if I could find one … and I found several. Not sure if I'm willing to post a pic of me with those glasses though. I hated them. 

Posing with my sister

The skirts were red plaid. 
My mother made them for my friend June and me.

Feeling pouty at my sister's birthday party.
(Pouting because it wasn't my birthday!)

I guess my sister didn't get the memo that day for plaid! 

Wearing a brown plaid "store-bought" dress

Me with terrible hair at a Sunday School class party.
Our SS teacher was so sweet and we all had to have our picture made
holding the Bible shaped cake.

Small pink checks for Easter

Checks with a ruffle and ready for first day of school.

No plaid here, but working the big hair and pointy glasses.

When I was in 5th grade, I had to carry my lunch in a brown paper bag one day because I left my lunchbox at school. Having put my glasses in the sack while I ate lunch, upon finishing, I forgot about the glasses and threw the bag away. Too late I remembered them and my poor Mother and Great-Grandmother traveled to the city dump to dig through and try to find them. Such desperation! I have no idea how they thought they could find them ... and, of course ... No luck! I was okay with that and just got along without the glasses until 7th grade. And then again, my choice? Another pair of pointy glasses as you see in the pic above.

Plaid skirt and big hair in high school.
(I don't think either of us wanted our picture taken here and nobody back then really taught us how to pose as the girls do these days. Also, I just wasn't crazy about going to school either.)

I hope everyone is finding things to do during this stay-at-home order. My travels have been limited to walking the dog and today it is too wet, windy and cool for a walk. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


1. Tell me something big-important-happy-or sad that's happened in your life since that date. Just one thing. We don't know how long this current isolation situation is going to last and we might need to dole out our news bit by bit.

One thing for me is all of those things. The biggest, most important, sad thing was my Dear Heart moving up to Heaven. I’m missing him like crazy, but have to add there was some happy in the celebration of his life, which I shared here in December. I haven’t quite been in the swing of things as far as blogging goes, but must say the support I have received on all sides from family, church family, Friends, and my Bible Study Friends has been over the top! 

2. Might as well get this out of the way early on...COVID-19. On a scale of 1-5 how serious are you about keeping your distance? Explain. fyi-I didn't create the scale but have seen it several places online. Also fyi-we won't only have virus related questions each week, but for this first one it feels right.

I’m at number 4-Extremely limited, only going out when unavoidable, minimal contact with people.

I do walk my dog, I make quick runs to the grocery store (not that often), but I have contact with so many people through Facebook, telephone, and now Zoom for connecting with groups. 

She waits at the top of the stairs...
guarding the door ...
waiting for a bite of whatever I have ..
Just pretty much in my face.

Her favorite spot. She's good company!

 3. Raise your hand if you think you might run out of steam in the cooking department before it's all said and done? What's something delicious you've cooked or eaten in your own kitchen in the past week? 

I’ve been baking brownies and before the serious lockdown, I made a pot roast with all the trimmings for my family who visited. It. Was. So. Good. I also baked a delicious meatloaf for myself on Sunday, which I’m tired of eating and from now on, will freeze leftovers. 

4. What's a television show or movie you've seen recently (it could be an oldie) that you really liked?

I watched a documentary about Anne Frank which was excellent. 

Another old movie I watched was The Quiet Man with John Wayne. I’m also admitting now to have watched all of the Diagnosis Murder series with Dick Van Dyke. But I am reading a lot, too.  

5. Share something funny you've seen or heard this week. 

There are way too many funny memes about toilet paper. I’m guessing you will see several in the Hodgepodge. I like this one because our grandson has spent so many of my quarters trying to win a prize. I got a kick out of sending this one to him, but then I had to explain. You see, he doesn't worry about toilet paper! He's just a kid, and everything he needs, Mom and Dad will take care of.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

While I eat my breakfast, I enjoy watching the birds fly about outdoors. They remind me that Jesus said they don’t worry, and neither should I. They know nothing about the Covid virus ... their day is spent flying about, looking for seeds or worms, and avoiding any predators as they guard their nests. 

I know God has me in His hand, I will trust in Him and not be afraid. If, six months ago, I had known what was coming: the loss of my husband, being alone facing the crisis in the news every day, I would have been so afraid. But now, I’m not. I know He has seen me through my circumstances in the past, and He will be with me today and in my future. He is my peace. 

Why should I feel discouraged?
And why should the shadows come?
Why should my heart feel lonely
And long for heavenly home
When Jesus is my portion?
And my constant friend is He
His eye is on the little sparrow,
And I know He's watching over you and me

When the kids were here, we couldn't visit the usual fun spots, like Urban Air,
so we went to the park. It was a cold, wet and windy day.

So we put them to drawing.

They were happy watching iPad!

A few years ago, they liked watching the TV.
I don't understand them wanting to watch the little screen!!!