Friday, November 24, 2017

Friday Foto Friends

Friday Foto Friends!

Sunrise this past Monday

Times like this I wish I had more than an iPad or iPhone.
A rare sight out my window this morning.

Another good action shot of our grandson Brady

Sweet baby Tenley

Tenley at one month

Putting my feet up at the end of the day.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Thanks

My DH grew up in an interesting, very different family than me. His mom (Mildred) and dad divorced when he was about 3 or 4 and I really don't know the details or anything about it. She remarried a man named Mike, who had a son, Mike, Jr. who was eight years older than my DH. Mike, Sr. adopted DH and DH's mom adopted Mike, Jr. His mother and new Dad later had another son together. All three sons have October birthdays and the oldest and youngest, oddly enough, actually share the same birthdate! Sad to say, the youngest brother passed away in 2001. 

Every year, without fail, around the first of October, Mike sends a funny birthday card to DH., which triggers my memory for me to send a card to him. This year was different. No card came in the mail. I wondered whether anything was wrong, so I sent a card and on his birthday, sent by text a happy Birthday graphic to him and about 30 seconds later my phone rang. It was Mike. He is 83 now and he was quite emotional about having forgotten to send my DH a card. We talked for a while and then he thanked me for having sent him a copy of the blog I had done about their Mother, Mildred. He said when his Dad married Mildred, it was very hard for him because he missed his real mother so much. 

But he said he would be forever grateful to Mildred because she changed his life. She took him to church! He was so moved during the service that he had tears in his eyes and literally ran down the aisle in response to the altar call. Mildred went with him and when he knelt down at the first row bench, she knelt with him as he gave his heart to Jesus. He had lots of memories of how his new mom taught him how to work, scrubbing floors and washing dishes after supper. He had a paper route with 180 papers to throw and he remembers one snowy morning she got up at 4:30 am to crank up the car to help him throw his papers. 

He said the next 38 years of his life he pretty much went his own way with career and family until he ran into some life problems. Again, Mildred came to his aid to comfort him and counsel and he turned back to the Lord again and ever since that time, has enjoyed close fellowship with the Lord. 

We had a very nice time visiting by phone that day and he invited us to come for Thanksgiving dinner ... actually, he was most insistent that he wanted us and all our family to join his family. My response? Well, gee, our daughter will be with her in-laws about four hours away, our son will be doing duty at the fire station and his wife and the kids I thought would be with her mom in another city. All my family will be in different places, so yes, DH and I are free and we would love to come. 

And that's what we did! Happy Thanksgiving it was, too. What a wonderful and blessed day it was. 


Jay's brother Mike is standing next to him wearing a baseball cap.

Mike IV with Jay and little ones

And it's just too complicated to try and explain who everybody is in the pics! A great big, happy, blended family that has nothing but love for everybody else!

Today is also the birthday of my dear sister-in-love, Susan. I have written about her many times. When my brother saw her at the restaurant where they both were employed, he told his buddies that she was the girl he was going to marry. They were both 16 at the time. What great wisdom he had at that tender age. Their marriage and lifestyle have been role models to many couples they have mentored and counseled as they also raised their son and "adopted" another son to their family. Susan herself was adopted and I have shared the story before here for National Adoption Month.

So today was somewhat a focus on adoption ... my DH, his brother Mike, my Susan, her "adopted" son and family, and the best adoption of all ... that God has adopted us into His family when we put our faith and trust in His Son, Jesus Christ. We are co-heirs of the best inheritance ever!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

A Thanksgiving Eve Hodgepodge

Hodgepodge Fun!

1. tightly do you cling to tradition when it comes to holiday gatherings and celebrations? For instance do you always do the cooking, never eat at home, always go to grandma's, never miss the parade, always watch football, never change the menu, always eat at 2 PM, etc.? Have you ever celebrated Christmas or Thanksgiving away from hearth, home, and family? How did that feel?

Until I read this question, I thought there had been some semblance of tradition in my life, but giving it a little thought, there wasn't much. It has always been a variable, especially after the loss of my parents. As a child, we spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Arkansas, and sometimes at home. We didn't always have a turkey ... if just our family at home, Mom just roasted a hen. When I married, my mother-in-law was insistent that everyone be at her house for Thanksgiving and Christmas and she always did the huge turkey. Everybody watched the Cowboys on TV, and the menu was always the same. It was a struggle for my husband and me to make it to both places ... my family in another state and his family here in Texas, but we managed to do it! Whew, it was quite tiresome.

Then, after marrying a firefighter with a crazy schedule, and also now being part of a blended family, kids grown and married with families of their own and also their extended families, and my own family being scattered in different places, my thoughts of traditional Thanksgiving went out the window!! After thirty years, I have come to be content, thankful and grateful for whatever Thanksgiving and Christmas blessings come my way. Each year is different.

2. it easy for you to ask for help or are you a do-it-yourselfer? How is that a good/bad thing?

It just depends on whatever needs to be done. I'm not shy to ask help if help is really needed or I don't know what I'm doing. But otherwise, I'm a do-it-yourselfer.

3. Abundance...what is there an abundance of in your kitchen?

Probably an over-abundance of tools, gadgets and appliances.

4. Name...the smallest thing you're thankful for?

I wasn't sure whether we are talking things, people or spiritual here. The smallest would be the peeps in my life who keep getting bigger every day.

the biggest?

Things: I have known the privilege of living 68 years in a country where I have freedoms that millions in the world will never know.
People: My family
Spiritually: God's unending love and grace for me.

5. Key...What do you think is the key to living a more grateful life?

Focusing on all you do have instead of what you don't have, the things that really matter. Focusing on others instead of self, being a friend, being more generous.

6. State your own random thought here.

I praise God that I woke up this morning after sleeping all night in a warm, dry bed in our spacious home. My husband was there next to me, the morning was quiet and dawn was beginning to show itself. As I arise, there is no fear of enemies in our quiet neighborhood, our family is well, our pantry is full in the kitchen, we have great friends, a wonderful church family, and the list just goes on and on because we have so much to be thankful for. 

I am loved, forgiven, redeemed, and have hope for the future because of God's love and grace. He is aware of all that's going on with the world, and all that concerns me and mine. He is working on our behalf.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Catching Up Is Hard to Do

The past couple of weeks have been challenging, interesting, and finally, some much needed results, for which I am very thankful.

For the past few weeks, DH has been awakening in the middle of the night to sit up and either sit on the edge of the bed or go to the other room and fall asleep sitting up. He always assured me that he was all right and nothing to worry about. But two weeks ago, I finally decided enough was enough and we needed to see the cardiologist about this and also again about my DH's legs and feet which have been getting more and more swollen to the point of looking like the middle of the Pillsbury Dough Boy. That is no exaggeration! An appointment was available for the very next morning and after an EKG was done, the doctor said it was time to get a room at the heart hospital as DH had gone into A-Fib! 

After a week's stay in the hospital, the A-Fib was brought back under control with an electrical shock to his heart and we were released to go home to continue on a whole new regimen of medications and low sodium diet.

Last week DH experienced a couple of nosebleeds and things seemed to be going along all right until last Friday when the nosebleeds became very severe. After a couple of trips to the ER, and treating him with something called a rapid rhino treatment in his nose (not very pleasant), we have finally, hopefully gotten that under control and I pray that continues. 

In the meantime, our daughter and family came to visit this past weekend and Brady and Noah both played in soccer tournaments. 

Our daughter always leaves our home looking neater than when she arrived!

One of the smaller things for which I was thankful that took a HUGE load of stress off me was our pet sitters who have been there for us through many years! As soon as I got DH settled in the hospital, I took Annie over to them, where she enjoyed being spoiled and pampered!

That is what I call a lucky dog!!
She can rest easy with them
so I can rest easy taking care of my Dear Heart!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Saturday Good Times

Saturday was fun! We began with an early breakfast with two of our favorite people: Pastor Garrett and wife Janice.

Saturday was a beautiful, Fall kind of day and perfect for a softball game with Kate.

Love the park with the trees and leaves falling gently down as we sat and watched the girls play. So sad they lost, but overall this year, the team did well and Kate certainly did.

On the sidelines watching!

What a cute little photobomber!

Kate with her Nana.

And then finished off Saturday with dinner with three other couples and the concert with the Marlins! What great entertainment these guys are and so talented!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday Foto Friends

Friday Foto Friends!

This has to be the cutest little "witch" I've ever seen. Yesterday was her third birthday and, judging from the stick in her hand and the blue in her smile, she had just finished off a blue lollipop. Happy Birthday, Hunter!

 A beautiful sunset earlier this week.

A touch of color here in our neighborhood!
This is about as bright as it gets so far this year.

Walking around the neighborhood with Annie today and she didn't know what to think about this big spider and the other blow-ups in the yard. Every time she moved forward to get after the spider, it would move to the left or right! Haha!

Not only did I launder a little money today, but also DH's leather wallet, all his credit cards, ID, etc. I was a little upset that it had been left in the pocket of his jeans, but it turned out to be for the best. His driver's license appears to have expired so I need to take care of that.

Got a call from our son that Jack is sick and would we mind coming over in the morning and watching him for the day. Not at all, but we will have to get up and out of here before 6:30 a.m. DH is used to sleeping much later. 
It'll be fun! and worth it.

I cooked three Hello Fresh meals this week and will be trying them again next week. I recommend both Blue Apron and Hello Fresh. I have yet to be disappointed with a meal and we have scraped the plate every single time.

This was chicken Milanese with squash and arugula.
Wednesday's meal was peppercorn steak with roasted potatoes and sautéed kale.
Thursday evening was chile rellenos with rice and a chipotle tomato sauce.