Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trump, Trudy and Triumph

Beware! This first paragraph is a rant!

Whatever your political beliefs, I think most of us have to agree that insanity is trying to rule in our nation at this time. And I am not referring to the President! I am referring to people who have gone crazy with hatred over their disappointment, bitterness, outrage and outright meanness over the fact that their candidate lost the election. Enough has been said. Enough of all the threats and mean comments. It is so unfair. This morning ... very early this morning around 2 a.m. I lay awake thinking about this man that everybody is hating on. (I will say that he was not my first choice either.) But he campaigned with his own money working tirelessly with what I believe to be a sincere desire to Make America Great Again! I really think he means it! He is taking no salary, he is trying to make good on his promises, his wife and son are not there with him to support him, he is trying to surround himself with good people ... and because he is not playing the political games, he is being bitterly opposed and hated with vile public speeches and posts. He's only been in office ten days. Ten Days!!! Good grief! We gave our last president eight, long years to do something and watched as he and his wife proclaimed all kinds of negative things about America putting us on shaky ground in race relations by causing more division. In times of trouble, he went off to vacation or play golf!

People please, can't we just give Trump a chance? Of course, I realize the people who read this are giving him a chance. The people who need to hear won't listen. So it all comes down to another rant by another person who has no platform. So I did what I could today. I called my congressman and expressed my views and that I support our president.

On another note, my little Trudy is still with us. DH cannot part with her.

And my friend, Liz, who suffered a stroke at the young age of 22, and has been paralyzed for the last 11 years is now working with a personal trainer who specializes in helping disabled people. She has so much hope and determination, my prayer is to see that young woman get out of that chair and be able to walk.

Liz, you are amazing!
Never give up!
Every little success is a triumph!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Pink Saturday and Hearts

Linking today with Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for another Pink Saturday

It will only be a couple of more months before we begin to
see these beauties again.

A spectacular sunset from the other evening!!

Our son called yesterday to invite us to dinner with them last night. What a wonderful surprise. We usually meet up with them and eat out for dinner. It was a fabulous meal he had prepared: ginormous steaks, asparagus and sweet potatoes, all cooked on the grill to perfection, along with a delicious salad that Amy prepared. I asked if I could bring anything and he said no, but I took it upon myself to use that new KitchenAid mixer and whip up Mama's Pound Cake by Paul Deen. That cake is easy and so very good. They all agreed and I only came home with a couple of pieces.

We got to meet the newest addition to their family, Heidi, their new German Shepherd puppy! What a fun, fun dog. Why didn't I take a pic of her? She was the sweetest and the kids are loving her.

Heidi lookalike from the Internet!
Beautiful dog.

No sooner had we walked in the door than Jack had to show me the 100 piece puzzle he and Daddy had put together. He was so proud, so I took a picture. Speaking of proud, we are so proud of all four grandchildren - straight A's for the older ones and all E's for Jack, who also received purple and blue for being kind and helpful. The qualities of good manners, kindness, helpfulness, and love are the qualities in them that we are especially proud of.

On a more somber note, last night when we arrived home, our dog Trudy was out on the floor unable to get up. She is still unable to stand and we have been discussing all morning whether it is time. It is so obvious and heartbreaking to know that our sweet little Trudy, who is 17 years old (and maybe older - she was a rescue) may need to be put down in the next few days. We know in our heads, but our hearts have not come to that agreement yet. And I can see that Trudy's spirit is willing as she wags that little tail, but truly her body has lost its strength.

So we will hold her and love on her for the next couple of days and then we will say good-bye.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday Foto Friends

Friday Foto Friends!

I haven't really taken any pictures this past week. How I wish I could have gotten a shot last night as I took Trudy out to the back yard. As I watched her, an owl flew down and swooped over her, then rose up as if to go to our roof! It scared me thinking the owl had its eye on Trudy, so I began shouting at the thing. Lol!!! That isn't the first time that has happened ... first time was a hawk swooping down over her. I gave thanks to the Lord for protecting my helpless little dog and ran out to swoop her up myself.

This pic did come up in my Facebook memories yesterday, along with this little tidbit which Sara had shared with me when he was three.

Noah: I want to be Peter
Mom Sara: Who's Peter?
Noah: He's in Snow White
Mom: Is he the prince?
Noah: No, he's the riff-raff!!! 


What a cutie he was ... still is.

This has been a busy week with appointments, errands, things to do around the house, and just trying to stay on top of things. I'm having lunch today with two old friends. We meet three times a year - on each other's birthdays. Today we celebrate Nancy. She is really my oldest friend here in Texas ... we worked together for 18 years. She is a beautiful lady and always has been. When I first knew her, she was 36 and now, oh my, she just turned 78.

This is a pic from last year when she was a mere 77!
Doesn't she look great!

Wishing everyone a happy Friday and good weekend. It will be Spring soon. Next week we will learn whether that little old groundhog will come out or not. It doesn't seem to matter around here because we have yet to really see winter. There was a touch of frost this morning, but that's about it.

As for me, one of my words for this year is "wait." I'm learning.
I just spent 35 minutes on hold and went from #23 in queue to
actually speaking with a real person after hearing the same recording over and over.
I have also waited one week for a phone call which has not yet come.
I am patient.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

An Island Hodgepodge

Can it really be Wednesday again and getting close to the end of January? Here are the Hodgepodge questions from Joyce and now I'm remembering this time last year we were lying on the beach in the Caribbean soaking up the sun and relaxing on the sand. Where does the time go? 

1. The cure for anything is salt water-tears, sweat, or the sea." (Isak Dinesan) Would you agree? Of the three, which has 'cured' you most recently? 
Tears are good, the beach would be wonderful if I lived near one, so sweat has to work for me. If I get busy when I'm down, I feel much better. It helps get my mind off the trouble and I accomplish something at the same time. Win-win! But still ...

2. What's something you can't eat without salt? I guess any recipe that calls for salt. 
Do you normally salt your food a lot, a little, or not at all? I don't salt my food at the table. 

3. Sands of time, bury your head in the sand, built on sand, or draw a line in the sand...which sandy phrase could best be applied to something in your life right now? 

Some days I wish I could bury my head in the sand and not see and listen to what's going on in the world. So thankful that my little world is peaceful and I don't have to bury my head. 
4. A favorite book, movie, or song with an island setting or theme?

Sittin' on the dock of the Bay by Otis Redding. And, oh my goodness, this song just came to mind. I wonder if anybody out there remembers this song!

5. Yesterday-did you run your day or did it run you? How so? 

I pretty much ran my day, although a doctor's appointment was in control for a few hours, but it was worth it. 

6. You're on an island holiday. Will I most likely find you parked in a beach chair, shopping in town, on the back of a jet ski, or snorkeling off the back of a catamaran? 

A few years ago, I would have been on the jet ski or snorkeling. These days, sitting on the beach chair or lounging on a blanket on the sand soaking up the sun is wonderful. 

7. What do you think we humans most take for granted?

Each other. Everything. And clean drinking water. 
8. Insert your own random thought here.

The marches for women over the weekend were troubling and hateful, to say the least.

It makes me very sad to think what our grandchildren will face in the future. 
I'm still experimenting with my new Kitchen Aid mixer and tonight made Yogi's Tasty Buns. Drum roll! This was by far the easiest dough I have worked with in my attempts and the rolls were good. Next time I will make them smaller.

According to this list, I am on the right course in learning about caregiving.
I hope this is readable.

Signing off for now with these thoughts from the Apostle Paul.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Life's a Holiday

Gee, I was all set for Blue Monday today and discovered that it is no longer! I did find out today is:

National Pie Day!
To celebrate, I have a cherry pie in the oven. 

But getting back to Blue Monday, I'm going to go ahead and post my blues anyway because I was just informed that Blue Monday is, for the time being, hosted by Magical Mystical Teacher.

Isn't this a peaceful and pretty scene?

Last Monday was blue for the Cowboys!
So sad that they did so well and then lost at the end.
Maybe next year.

I had some pretty blue sunrises from last week.

Not too much else around here. It was fairly quiet over the weekend. We watched all the Inaugural ceremonies and then went to a movie. We don't attend many movies, but I had read about Lion on the Pluggedin.com movie review site. The movie was wonderful and based upon a true story. It was beautiful, moving, but very sad to see how children in other countries suffer so.

We are off to the doctor's office today to see what our next step will be with my DH. Praying for wisdom in making decisions and moving forward. Jesus said if you have faith as a mustard seed, you could move mountains. I believe not only that Jesus can, but He will make all things work together for good in every situation we face because we love and trust Him.

This is from last week, which I never managed to get posted.

Kate stuffed herself into her bag to show me how she
packs her bag to come stay with us.
School was out for the MLK holiday!

Jack loves it when he beats me at Air Hockey.
Big smile there!

Just more celebrating.

After breakfast and playing around the house, I decided to take them shopping for a toy or whatever they wanted to choose. Price limit $25. When I said that, Kate's eyes popped out and she said, "You're spoiling us, Nonnie. Mommy only lets us spent $2! So they were thrilled and both of them bought Legos. That kept them occupied for a while.

When Jack heard me say I was going to take a pic of Kate,
he ran over to get in the pic.

Kate photobombed this one.

And then! The sun finally came out so we made a trip to the park and they could ride the razors they got for Christmas.

This last pic is Brady on the Ninja rope, one of our gifts to him for Christmas. Both he and his brother love a challenge and this may look easy, but it isn't.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday Foto Friends

Friday Foto Friends!

A sunrise one morning last week.

And the glow from a sunset.

I have been attempting to make yeast rolls by hand as my mother always did. At a Christmas party, we got into a discussion about the techniques of making bread and the pros and cons of stand mixers. One of the ladies said she uses her Kitchen Aid every day and it was her opinion that I should have one. So, after looking into it, I decided to go ahead and make the plunge since I do like to bake. I have always relied on my little Hamilton Beach hand mixer which I received 46 years ago in one of my wedding showers. It still works, but it does have to really chug hard sometimes!

Here is my new mixer kneading for me.

My first attempt at cinnamon rolls.
They were good, just not as pretty as I would have liked.
I made them again and did much better.

I stayed busy yesterday getting a lot of filing done, organizing for upcoming tax time, and now I'm trying a recipe for bread pudding made with leftover cinnamon rolls. Really, DH and I can't eat all those and we won't be able to eat all the bread pudding either, but I'm having fun experimenting!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Nostalgic Hodgepodge

Happy to be welcoming Joyce back and joining her for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. 

1. ASAP typically stands for 'as soon as possible'. What else could it stand for in your life right now?

In my life right now, it has to be:

"Am Standing and Praying."
Standing on God's promises - praying for His will.

2. Are you the last person to speak up in a group or the first to have an idea? Why do you suppose that is? Is it a good thing or no?

It depends upon the topic. If it's something I am familiar with, I will speak up. If not, I listen to get an understanding and what others have to say, then I can see whether I have any input or not. 

3. What do you remember best about being 12? 

I remember my 12th birthday. My Mom thought it would be fun to have a "tacky party." Everyone came dressed in their tackiest. I'm hard pressed though to remember what we did to have fun that day, but I know that we did. LOL!  Sunday School parties, outdoor fun around the neighborhood playing softball, sleepovers with friends and roller skating at the Holiday Roller Rink on Saturdays. At 12, I was also looking forward to wearing my new pink dress Mom made for me to wear to the 6th grade banquet, and wearing a bra that actually had a cup size! I also remember looking forward to going into junior high and being on the drill team (said dream was blown a couple of months later when we moved across town and I had to switch schools. That was a memorable and upsetting event.)

4. January 18th is National Winnie the Pooh Day. Which character do you relate to the most, and why? If you're stumped go here for inspiration. 

The quiz says I'm Winnie. I have been told that I am easy to get along with and friendly and I do like honey!

5. What's an app you use that helps simplify or make life easier for you in some way? 

Find iPhone is one of the very best ways I have found to help me be sure about whether my DH made it to his destination or where he can be found if he is unsure of where he is. Thanks be to God for this app.

6. San Francisco (CA), San Diego (CA), San Juan (PR) San Antonio (TX) Sanibel (FL)...you have an all expenses paid long weekend to one of these destinations. Which one do you choose and why?

I have heard so many good things about San Diego that I would love to visit there someday. Wondering now why we never have. Having lived in San Antonio for three years I can recommend it as a wonderful destination.

7. Share with us a song that makes you feel nostalgic? For what? 

Many, many songs bring back memories. I can tell you what the weather was like, who I was with, etc., etc., as I am sure you can as well. But just a few: Silver Wings by Merle Haggard, and I am dancing with DH again that first night we met. Makes me wish time hadn't passed so quickly.

"Kiss me each morning for a million years
Hold me each evening by your side
Tell me you love me for a million years
Then if it don't work out
Then if it don't work out
Then you can tell me goodbye."

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Breaking Up is Hard to Do by Neil Sedaka has me rolling happily around the roller rink on Saturday and wishing now I could put on a pair of skates and go for it!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Major Announcement!

Stop the presses! 

It's a Major announcement kind of moment. A very special young man, my nephew, is being promoted ... again! 

He set out imagining this at five years old and now, at 31, he is living and excelling at the dream.

Congratulations, Major!

High Five for this great accomplishment! 
So proud of him!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thankful Thursday

In light of my computer woes, it wasn't in my plan today to post anything. However, the day I did have planned went somewhat awry and I was reminded in all of the challenges how much I have to be thankful for. 

The past year and a half in dealing with the memory loss of DH and other even more serious health issues have caused the weight of problems and decision-making to fall to me. Since it has been a gradual process, I feel the Lord has allowed it to come little by little to ease me into this role. Now however, the past couple of months it seems to be falling heavier. 

In addition to decisions relating to our retirement, car repairs, the garage door opener breaking, then my computer, and yuck! made the discovery that rats have found a sweet hiding place in the sauna on the upper outside deck! That led to the realization of many other things that are going to have to be tended to. 

This morning as we got in the car to go run errands, the message came on informing me of "0" air in the right rear tire. A FLAT! It was somewhat of a circus trying to get enough air in the tire to get us to the tire store and then my DH headed off without me and went to the wrong place. I panicked of course, but was able to get him on the phone and instruct him as to where he needed to be. 

When I finally saw him pull into Discount Tire, I was able to breathe a great sigh of relief, and as we stood waiting for assistance, I noticed the sounds from the intercom were of Christian music playing. "I'm no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God." Those words caused me to truly breathe an even greater sigh of relief and peace in that moment. God is good. I thank Him that He is our perfect Provider for our material needs, and He also brings comfort to my anxious spirit reminding me of who He is and who I am. Good, good Father. 

"When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul."
Psalm 94:19

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


I still don't have a computer, and I'm unable to post pics in my blog on the iPad. I don't know why.

Anyway, just posting today to say I am so SAD and so MAD at the same time!

I just found out the sweet dog next door was taken to the animal shelter. What a sad end to such a beautiful, loving, friendly dog. Upon learning of this, I checked with the shelter to see if Buddy is still there to be rescued. He was not, and I can only pray that he was adopted and is enjoying the love and attention he craved. People, this family has been through at least five pets and they don't seem to understand that dogs need attention. They love to be your friend. Just be theirs. Dang. Don't leave them out in the back yard and throw food at them and expect them to live in the freezing weather and walk around in the muck in the yard. I'm so mad. But I'm crying, too. I wish I had known sooner. 

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Last of 2016

My computer has been giving me fits for the past few weeks, so I'm doing this quite hurriedly to be able to wrap up 2016 before we get too far into 2017. It has been a year of ups and downs, very good, good and some not so good some of the time, but came down to a great finish! 

The month of December was filled with the joy and fun I had hoped it would be. I enjoyed the season of Advent, celebrating with family and friends, and all that God has blessed me with. I give Him praise and glory for the life He has given to me ... this earthly life and my future, eternal Life with Him.

With my family for the Gift of Christmas

Dinner with RuthAnn and her Dad, Wayne

Great concerts in December, fun parties with different groups of friends, 

Christmas Eve Service at our church,


family fun on Christmas Day! 
Church and dinner afterward.

Jason mixing up his grandfather's recipe for egg nog, 
a family tradition he wants to continue.
(My first taste of egg nog that knocks you for
a loop!)

My brother and his family at Branson, Missouri.

A visit from Sara and her boys, Brady and Noah
with Jack in the middle. 
Bowling first ...

Noah and Kate

Kate won on the kids' side

Sara got a strike!

Brady smiling at the pine cone Brady made for him.

Everybody received what they asked for.

But Jack informed me that the Planks were
"not on my list, Nonnie! 
not on my list!"
(Mommy assured me he circled them in the
catalog and would love them.)

She was right. They love them!

Brady must have topped this at least 20 times.
Noah about 4 times

Brave Ninja Warriors

Brady on his Whipstick!

At the park

At the movies

or inside

For some reason, watching a movie on iPad is
more fun than on the big TV!
A lot more togetherness there for sure.

Brady, the most mature, is allowed to eat
a peppermint stick on Nonnie and Papa's bed
(Papa's side anyway!)

Sweet kids!

Whether at home or out and about, it was fun! From early morning quiet times, to the loud craziness, playing Bingo, watching kids perform, listening to sweet voices singing in the car, trying to decide where everybody would sleep, opening gifts, White Elephant exchanges, food, and lots of it!

Playing Hearts, Jack taking orders from everybody for breakfast with his pad and pencil ... Kate wanting to know why Grandpa and Nonnie can't sleep on the pallet instead of her! Brady waking up on Thursday wanting to know what today's activity would be! LOL! Brady and Noah asking for grilled cheese sandwiches every day and actually begging for them as they left for home. What? Wow! Really? The word from them is Nonnie makes the best pancakes and grilled cheese. 

Drones, Legos, American Girl doll, Planks, superheroes and Ninja obstacle course to play with at home!

And one of my most interesting gifts was this.


Some of my best thoughts come when I'm in the shower or driving. 
Now I have no excuse!

And from my sister who is loving her coloring book:

Good job, Roberta!