Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer of 1980

Summer this year has been extremely hot! But it has yet to top out the summer of 1980, which saw 64 days straight of temperatures over 100. And I think it peaked out at 114 or so on a couple of days. Lots of people remember that summer, but my memories are especially poignant to my remembrance of that time.

In the fall of 1979, due to a series of incidents stemming from my late husband's promotion at the company where he worked (good thing), he had to resign the position due to alleged discrimination and jealousy from a co-worker (bad thing). Confident that another position would come available soon, and confident that the Lord would provide in such a way as to be able to give Him praise, we did not worry.

But, after going through Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then into the New Year, it got a little depressing around our house, even though we never missed a house payment or any other payments, for that matter. And although the Lord provided for us in lots of surprising ways, in trying to cut corners, I took the bus each day to my job in downtown Dallas.The drive to the bus stop was about 10 miles away, and then I would take the bus to work. It made for a long day and in the winter, my husband would have hot chocolate waiting for me and when the hot summer came, a cold bath at the end of the day. Bologna and cheese sandwiches for lunch each day (ewww).

During that summer, the heat was intense and the city buses were overheating daily, which meant we would have to get off the bus and board another bus, then stand because it was already full. Did I mention that in those days we wore a lot of polyester and panty hose? :-)

One particular day, after having boarded 3 different buses to get home, I was so very tired when I got off the bus. It was blazing hot and I remember saying out loud, "Lord, I am so thirsty." As I walked to my car, I looked down and to my great delight, I saw the familiar face of George Washington on a dollar bill right there on the sidewalk at my feet! I was so excited with this find and immediately went over to the Taco Bueno for a Pepsi to quench my thirst. (These days I would have been much wiser and invested in a cold bottle of water! :-)

Now one dollar might sound very small. But in those times when our need is great, how refreshing and reassuring to know that God hears us when we cry out and satisfies the need. I will never forget it because that one dollar represented the many ways that He provided for us throughout those 9 months. This tangible answer provided for temporary relief, but the comfort and peace that the Lord gave to me when I cried out in my anxieties provided the assurance that He was indeed with me.

I mentioned that we never failed to make a house payment or any other obligations, the most important of which was our tithe! And though I don't consider my tithe as an obligation such as a debt, I do consider it as being what belongs to the Lord. When we give to Him, the returns are great!

An amazing part about all these happenings was that when the right job finally did come along, the benefits provided to my husband would be a great provision for me 5 years later during another hot summer when he died suddenly. God always knows what is going to happen in our future and He will always make a way.

"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul." Psalm 94:19

Father, I praise You that from the very beginning, You have been there and thank You for taking care of me in spite of myself and never forsaking Your daughter Connie.

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Humility and honor

Humility is like underwear; essential, but indecent if it shows.   Nielsen, Helen

From Proverbs. Humility goes before honor.

Humility: the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.

We humans, in our flesh crave recognition, credit and honor. We want to be recognized for what we do. But God's word and Jesus Christ have put that idea to death. It is in humility that we gain honor. Jesus modeled humility in the fact that He came not to be served, but to serve. And His example when He washed the disciples' feet is for us to follow. Humility is key in being one who walks in the Spirit. Humbling ourselves to submit to God, submit to authority, submit to your spiritual leaders, to one another in love--all of these are not just suggestions--they are what we should be doing if we abide in Christ. That is the way to honor. The honor may not come in this lifetime, but the one who submits in all things as unto Christ will receive honor in due time.

"All of you, serve each other in humility, for “God opposes the proud but favors the humble.”So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor." (1 Peter 5:5-6)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ice cream

Summers when we were in grade school were memorable. So many fun things to do. We knew summer wasn't too far away when, on May 1, it was official that we were allowed to go barefoot. What a great feeling! Fresh green grass under your feet. And when summer came, lots of joys lay ahead including playing softball, showers with the hose, bicycles, walks to the bookmobile for books, slumber parties during the week, VBS, and ... ahhh, the ice cream man on hot summer afternoons. Although there wasn't money for ice cream every day, that didn't keep us from waiting for the ice cream man each day just to check with him and make sure he didn't have a "free sample." The answer was always the same. Sorry, no free samples. That is, until one hot day, my sister and I had walked several blocks to visit a friend. We were headed home and heard the music in the distance. He's somewhere in this area. Decision made: let's see if we can catch up to him and, you guessed it ... let's see if he has a free sample for us. We ran hard and by the time we found our friendly ice cream man,
we were panting and out of breath and, I'm sure we were quite a sweaty sight. He stopped his truck and came around and asked, "what will you have?" "Got any free samples?" we said. What a nice man and God bless him. He didn't hesitate, but opened the door and pulled out a couple of ice creams - one for each of us.

I think we were stunned, but we were so happy as we walked on home that day with our free gifts of cold ice cream. Those free treats cost the man all of ten cents total, but I think I will never forget the kindness showed on that hot day to a couple of young girls, probably 8 and 10.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Potty chairs

My plan today was to buy a potty chair for Kate, do laundry, buy groceries, etc. But, everybody knows the best laid plans all too often go by the wayside. And that is what happened today. Now just yesterday I was talking about how we love to laugh. Well, today presented some great opportunities for laughing at ourselves as we worked together on a "we can fix it" project and keeping our anger levels low.

A leak from the downstairs toilet. Just a little leak ... easy to fix ... no problem. Right?? Uh-oh! About an hour later, the first problem fixed, but another has arisen. No longer a leak, water is flowing all over the floor. Off to the store for parts to fix it! :) Yikes! I hear the all too familiar "OH NO!" It's broken!!

Okay, now a couple of hours later, we are having the "potty" conversation - going to have to have a new toilet bowl. Plumber can't come till next Tuesday ... sooooooooooo, looks like Princess Kate will be the only one who is sitting pretty!!! :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The Bible says laughter does good, like a medicine! I know I love to laugh and Jay and I love laughing together. It is really fun when we get tickled and can't stop - I love that guy!!!

Actually, my translation says "a merry heart does good like a medicine." So, it's what is in the heart and laughter is the by-product. I think my guy has a merry heart and I sure do love him.

Monday we got to take care of Jack while Amy and Kate went to the dr.  He was so good - he ate, he slept, and he smiled. Such a sweetie! And when Kate came back, she said she wanted to nap at Grandpa and Nonnie's. Sat here listening to her talk and sing herself to sleep. Just feel so blessed that she likes to be here with us and that her Mom and Dad are good with that. We count it a privilege and a joy to play with her, sing, and listen to that sweet voice. Looking forward to having that relationship with Jack, but not rushing the time. Just enjoying the gift of today-and that is why it is called the "present." It is truly a gift. Thank You God for these simple pleasures.

Tuesday - got to keep Jack while Amy and Kate went to the movie together. Sweet time - he is so precious. Smiling, kicking, really moving around and responding. Another treasure and looking forward to spending more time with him.

Kate came back from the movie - went potty twice!! Woo-hoo! She gets it. Jack says, "Way to go, Big Sister!!"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mom and Dad

Today marks the 63rd wedding anniversary of my parents. In thinking of them this morning and at other times, I never cease to be amazed at their faithfulness throughout the years in the face of circumstances they encountered. It truly gives meaning to the word love that is thrown about so carelessly because love is really about placing the needs and the highest good for someone else above yours. And that they both displayed. I never heard my parents complain about anything. Any disagreements they had were not displayed in front of us kids. After being dirt poor in Arkansas, they came to Tulsa, OK where dad worked a job for 31 years - manual labor, day in and day out. In the extreme heat and cold, taking a sandwich and thermos of coffee, to provide for his family. When the times came that he was laid off work, did he sit around and collect from the government? No, he always found other work. He was a humble man who loved and took care of his family. I remember him walking the floor at night with a sick baby and going to work again the next day. He brought us malts when we had sore throats. Mother stayed home with us, cooking 3 meals a day, day in and day out. No AC at our house, doing laundry on a wringer washing machine and hanging clothes out on the line. She taught us to love Jesus and prayed daily for all of us. Every Sunday saw us in Sunday School. And her smile was beautiful.

I am sorry they didn't get to see their grandchildren grow up. But I am glad they do not have to live in this crazy world as it is now. They are with Jesus.

How did they do it? It amazes me when I think of them and I thank God for them always. Wish I had told them more, shown them more, loved and appreciated them more.

I love you Mom and Dad and I appreciate all you ever did for us, most of which I probably was never even aware of.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wondering where to begin

Like most everyone else, I have decided to try a blogspot. Not sure if I will be faithful to make entries, but the goal for me is to record the fun things the grandkids have said or done and my memories of the time spent with them. Also, as I recall things from my own life, or reflect on my own special memories, to record them here.

Above all, my desire as I do post would be to acknowledge my Lord Jesus Christ and glorify Him in my life and my words. Pastor said the other night that our words are containers. I like that a lot because I have a visual of a container carrying a message to someone else and pouring it out on them. Hopefully, my containers will be filled with love to pour out on others.